At Night...

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Lights out. Everyone was in bed and asleep. Except Doll and Finny. These babies made the mistake of mixing a cup of  coffee with some leftover cake Bard had baked. Now About an hour after Molly had told them to go to bed they lived down their sugar rush together watching rerun cartoons in the darkness of the living room.

"So school?" Doll sighed, draping herself onto Finny's shoulder.

"I've never been to one I want to try it"

"I don't know but if they're make us then I guess we got to" she groaned "but the uniforms and the tests and the peo-"


The abrupt sound came from the outside it was faint but audible. The two whipped their bodies around to the front door in the direction of the sound, Finny stood up. Doll turned off the T.v and they stayed silent. Another sound came through. This time they heard moving gravel. 

The blond stepped forward his palm began to sweat,  his heart racing. He gulped. "Doll, go get the baby and wake up Sebastian I'm going to check outside"

He took a step forward but Doll grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Wait, no you don't know what's out there" she pleaded for him to stay put, but he was determined to investigate.

"I'll be fine just go"

Another thud.

"Go now!go get Sieglinde!"

Doll ran to her room she was hyperventilating she pushed the door open and tried to remain calm to not scare Sieglinde. A window in the middle of the back wall overlooking the left side of the house. She took a deep breath and went to sieglinde's bedside. She stroked her hair and lightly patted her shoulder. The child woke up blinking for her vision to adjust. "Doll?"

"Hey" Doll smiled "come here we're gonna go to sleep somewhere else it's too cold here okay?"

"Mmkay" Sieglinde rubbed her eyes. Doll lowered herself to take a hold of her little sister and picked her up. The little one rested her head on Doll's shoulder and slowly began to drift back asleep.Giving Doll the cover she needed to hide her panicked expression. She looked around the room checking if there was anything she'd need. She grabbed a pair of headphones just in case the need to muffle noise for Sieglinde.

She looked out the window for a second and saw the the bushes on the other side of the garden move. There wasn't any wind at this time of year. She took a hesitant step closer to the window her arms started tremble when she saw a man figure behind the bushes. The man had his back turned  to the house and Doll got out of the room before he could turn around.

Mid-way up the stairs Doll stopped and looked to the windows for any sight of finny. Thought she didn't see anything it was too dark outside. She gritted her teeth and continued up the stairs. She opened Sebastian and King instantly went to greet her. Doll ignored him and went to Sebastian, shaking him with her free hand "Black... BLACK....BASH WAKE UP"

Sebastian opened his eyes confused and a bit irritated for being woken up. He propped himself up and saw Doll with Sieglinde in her arm. "What happened why are you up so la-"

"there's people outside! We heard something Finny went to check and I saw someone in the bushes-"

Before she could finish, Sebastian had thrown his blanket off of him and got out of bed in nothing but a tank top and sweat pants he grabbed his gun from under his pillow "wake up your brother and stay here" He ordered.

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