The party

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Back at Thompson's hideout the six kids were getting ready for a night out. Technically it wasn't really night, but it was late in the afternoon. Thompson and Finny adjusted their suits in front of a mirror while Alois helped Ciel tie his bow tie. Snake sat on the couch playing a video game and Doll sat beside him putting on makeup. She contoured her face to make it seemed like she was older than she actually was.

"Alois, you know how it's going down?" Thompson yelled.

The blond gave him a thumbs up "yeah I take Finny and Snake and we go in as waiters. Later if we get the chance we change in one of the bathrooms and join the party " he confirmed. "Then we pick pocket as many guys as we can.

"I'm going as an invited guest. Doll will be my partner. Robin can be....uh... our kid."

"Ugh-kill me" Ciel whined.

Thompson clapped his hand together"Alright! We ready?"

"Just remember, we need to be back by ten. Sebastian is out tonight he said he'll be back by midnight, but Beast wants us back before then."

"Don't worry we'll have you guys home by 9:55"

Doll stood up and looked towards the rest of the guys "how do I look?"

Snake, Finny and Alois raised their thumbs up. It was Ciel who was confused he raised his eyebrows "Like a girl" he exclaimed. Alois looked up at Thompson who was clearly looking at Doll, but was speechless, mouth handling slightly open. Alois reached up and closed his mouth with a chucked, snapping his cousin out of his transe. "You look really nice" Thompson cleared his throat "let's get going"

With an hours drive ahead they decided to order some food through a McDonald's drive thru. Nothing like kids that looked like a million dollars eating five dollar meals.

Like the first car ride, Finny, Snake, Doll and Thompson talked about anything and everything. School and life. Luckily, Ciel had Alois with him they were able to converse within them selves and even called Lizzy at one point "you two are hanging out?!" She asked,well, screamed.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Ciel retorted.

"Yeah well.. yeah, but..but-WHAT?!"

"Don't worry we're not gonna kill each other"

"If one of you kills the other I'll kill the survivor! Oh my mom is calling me I gotta go" Then she hung up.  And the two boys let out a light-hearted chuckle.

Soon the estate came to view with cars lining up to enter. The place had escorts and valets it was hard to tell whether the party was inside or outside because of how many people there were. Lots of guests were still arriving it was still early at six pm. Thompson didn't drive all the way to the valets yet. Making sure he was a far enough distance from the manor, he dropped off Alois, Finny and Snake. They were going in through the back. With them dressed like they were in servitude, it wouldn't be hard for them to sneak in.

Thompson pulled up to the valets in front of the house. One of the workers opened the door for Doll another opened the door for Ciel while Thompson got out himself tossing the keys over to the young man a little older than him that was standing by. He walked around the front of the car and joined his pretend wife and son. Doll looped her arm with Thompson's. Ciel followed behind grimacing at his fake parents.

They got to the front door where a guard stood "your invitation, sir" he asked and Thompson pulled the envelop out of his suits inside pocket.

 The Family (Modern Kuroshitsuji fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now