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After the events of that night the kids were sent to a safe house in the outskirts of town. In between county line were miles of quiet, wide open rolling hills where a cabin could easily be mistaken for an ordinary barn. It was in the middle of nowhere, but it was safe. In the time they were there, the rest of the family worked on the manor; rebuilding the broken wall, cleaning up the red mess, and fixing the broken windows. It would be another week before Ciel, Doll Finny, Snake, and Sieglinde could return. They already spent a week and a half at the cabin.

Everyday one of the adults would come by the cabin to check up on the five. They'd bring them food, movies and books to keep them entertained. The barren plains provided freedom to run and for king to exercise,but the cabin was just a cabin. With no extra rooms the small cottage consisted on a porch and kitchen, a table, a couch, and an old television set. At night Sieglinde got the couch to herself, while her older siblings slept on the floor in sleeping bags.

As uncomfortable as the sleeping arrangements were, none of them complained. It wasn't like that was their first time sleeping on a floor. At least they had a roof.

Each morning would start off with groaning in pain from a stiff back and then a light breakfast. Today cereal was on the menu. Doll was up first and took it upon herself to serve the bowls for her and her younger siblings. Snake woke up and went straight to the bathroom, Finny went to wake up sieglinde.

The youngest boy was the last to even sit up. Ciel's mood dropped dramatically after the break in at the manor. He didn't have to motivation to get up in the Morning. The day after the intrusion Molly, Sebastian and Doll tried to get him out of his room. That day he didn't get out of bed. The memory of his first kill still fresh in his mind. He blankly stared at the ground then Snake stood In front of him extending out a hand to help him up on his feet.

Breakfast went on quietly save for the T.v that was playing in the background. Seiglinde sat on Ciel's lap as she requested, she too noticed the boy's solemn mood and wanted to comfort him. To Ciel, she was the only thing that kept him from going insane after what happened. He looked down at her and thought about what Sebastian said. If hadn't done what he did Sieglinde might not have lived through that night. He rested his chin atop her head, just like Doll does to him.

The news was playing a story was being covered. "Last night corporate leader, Cedric brandle was found tortured and hung at his home in the valley. Most of his land in flames." The four oldest whipped their heads in the direction of the television, they were jaw dropped, holding their breath as they listened. "Authorities believed that this incident might be a part of mafia violence. As in the search through the ruins they found evidence that Brandle had ties with the Angles Group, a gang that mysteriously disappeared two years ago"

"Holy shit..." Doll whispered

"That settled the score." Ciel said, quietly eating a spoonful of his lucky charms.

Finny and snake blinked they didn't know what to think. They all knew that it was their family's doing. They all heard talk of Cedric the morning after the attack. Doll knew they It was going to brutal and messy but she wasn't expecting them to set his entire property ablaze.

Snake quickly grabbed the remote and changed it to another channel where Sesame Street was playing before Seiglinde started asking questions. They all continued on with breakfast. As usual.

That was when King ran to the door and wagged his tail anxiously waiting, indicating someone was coming. Sebastian walked in with Dagger trotting behind. "Good you're all huddled up" he walked to them, setting a stack of papers at he middle of the table "for school" he said with a smile.

The boys reached for the papers it had everything from brochures to student handbooks and and maps "in two weeks you all have to take an entrance exam to see in what classes and what house you'll be put in to. I had to pull some strings and call in a few favors so do you best and pass."

 The Family (Modern Kuroshitsuji fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang