Thompson's hideout.

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They didn't even have to lie. Finny told Sebastian that him, Doll, Snake and Ciel were going out and upon seeing them all together he gave the okay. Leaving them with "if anything feels out of place call me immediately"  as they walked out alone.

With skateboards and rip-stiks, they made their way into town, and headed back to their school campus. "Remind me again why I'm coming too?" Ciel whined "I was supposed to play Battlefield with McMillan and Joanne today!"

"Shhh were just gonna hang out with Thompson!" Doll said.

"Are you kidding me? Are you two dating or something?!" He screamed.

"No!" She screamed back

"You two are okay with this!!" Ciel turned to Snake and Finny

The blonde shrugged,picking up the skateboard off the floor "Thompson's pretty cool the others not so much"

"Besides you hang out with Jim Macken, and Sieglinde with Luka" Snake said.

"Luka hasn't tried to kill Sieglinde and me and Jim just get along for my cousin." Ciel followed his elders to an SUV parked outside the school where Thompson sat in the drivers seat.

With a bored expression Ciel made his way to Thompson who looked out his window and smiled "hey, Robin you came"

"I'll kill you if you touch my sister?" Ciel said monotonously and walked the back of the car where he put his board in the trunk.

Thompson took a deep breath and nodded, getting a bit of deja vu "yeah he's definitely Sebastian's disciple" he muttered to himself. The passenger door opened and Doll hopped in "Robin doesn't like me?"

Doll snorted and shook her head "no he doesn't"

"I'll win him over...I hope"

Then Finny, Ciel and Snake got in the back seat, Ciel in the middle.  Thompson made sure everyone was buckled up and got on driving. For most of the drive the four oldest talked as friends, they talked about school, their classmates, teachers and homework. Ciel listened to their conversations. They never talked about their families except for the occasional mention or Timber or Canterbury or when Finny told Thompson that Sebastian had set a curfew and they had to be back by 9. But aside from that, they kept the topic at school and themselves. Ciel felt too dragged along to contribute and felt... awkward. As if he was third wheeling for a couple. Maybe if Alois was there it's would less of a drag. They'd have the bets to talk about.

Although, Thompson had tried to get him involved multiple times during the drive, but the boy ignored him and Thompson tried his best not to sulk.

They talked until Thompson drove into a rural area. The places was beat up and old. The roads were cracked and filled with patches until the concrete was replaced by dirt and gravel. The buildings and stores all around were covered in graffiti and were threatening to collapse on themselves. Ciel wanted to take out his phone and dial Sebastian right away but neither one of his siblings were even remotely affected by the unsightly area. They took another turn and were headed further into the into the ghost town until he they got to a place looked isolated towards a three story building. It was still beaten up but was a bit more presentable then those that surrounded it. It still had its windows and a escape route that was still intact. The bricks on the place seemed sturdy but were still decorated in spray paint. It had a parking lot the was barren just like the place and that's where Thompson parked.

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