The beginnings

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"A mile?!" Ciel shut his gym locker, it was PE and all the students were changing out into their gym uniforms.

His friend next to him, McMillan, nodded "yep, according to Hartcourt we're running a mile." They finished tying their shoes and walked out of the locker room awkwardly moving past a group of upperclass man, they got to the track and field And to their dismay, the rumor was true. Their PE instructor informed his class that they were going to run a mile. Four laps around the track.

Whines and groans sounded throughout the field then the instructor explained the standards: for boys and girls 12-13 of age the passing grade was running the mile under 12 minutes, 14-16: 10 minutes 17-19: 9 minutes.
It was a running assignment so it was required that the students ran two full laps before beginning to walk.

The class was divided into two groups the running group and those that recorded the time. After first group was done the groups were switched.

Ciel was in the second running group. For now he sat on the bleachers with a stop watch in his hand watching over McMillan run.

The last kid crossed the finish line. McMillan's time end up at 13:22. "I already knew I wasn't gonna make it" the boy said.

"Yeah well I'm not even gonna try. After the two laps I'm done" Ciel passed the stop watch over to his partner.

At the start line Ciel looked around the he already knew he was going to be the last one to finish. There some upperclassmen, in the mix was Thompson Annafellows, but he paid no mind to him and just focused on getting the damn assignment over with.

The instructor blew the whistle and the group of 12 began running.


For Thompson a mile was nothing more than a jog. He had to run miles every day with his god-father when he trained him and his brothers, Thompson knew he could run it in 5 minutes if he really tried. At the two and a half minute mark he had lapped most of his classmates. Taking pride in being the fastest.

At the beginning of his fourth lap and the beginning of the third lap for most of the others, he slowed down giving himself a break he'd get a passing score no doubt so there was no reason to rush.

In front of him was a blue haired boy, he knew it was Doll's brother and to respect her wishes he never talked to him. The boy was tired as most of them were, but while the rest of the class walking, Robin seemed to have a hard time moving forward, he was stumbling and stoping often. Thompson was approaching him, curious as to what was wrong.

Robin began coughing uncontrollably he stopped all together in the middle of the track resting his hand on his knees. When he stopped coughing he breathed heavily as if he was completely out of breath. Thompson got concerned and decided to get closer. He saw Robin try and stand up straight. Then fall.

Thompson sprinted and caught the boy in his arms before he could hit the ground. "Robin!?" He screamed as he shook him, he sat on the ground looking over Robin who wasn't responding to any call, he was still breathing heavily.

The entire class stopped and rushed around them McMillan and the instructor knelt down next to them "what happened?" The teacher asked.

"I don't know he just collapsed" Thompson replied.

They tried calling out for Robin and he still wouldn't respond. McMillan looked at his state and panicked "I think he's having an asthma attack!"

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