Chapter 1 London

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Im swimming in the crystal clear waters of Kauai. It's so beautiful down here, the fish are bright neon colors, and the turtles are humongous. I quickly swim up to the surface for air. My head pops out of the water as I gasp. When I'm abruptly awaken with ice cold water being splashed on me. It takes me a while to process that I was only dreaming and that I am in fact still stuck in my crappy life with my crappy mother. Then my thoughts are interrupted with stinging sensation running across my cheek.

"Get your ass up! or you'll be late."

Surprise Surprise my mother was yelling at me again for no reason. I nod. She smacks me again.

"Was I not clear? I said GET UP."

I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I knocked.

"Occupied!!" my younger sister Kate yelled.

"Im sorry." I replied

"Hurry up Elaine so help me I will beat your ass so hard you'll be wishing you died with your father!" my mother snickered at me.

My father and I were coming home from a movie premiere late one night. It was cold and rainy. Our favorite spy movie had just released a sequel and we could not miss it.  As we were crossing an intersection a truck opposite of us malfunctioned and rammed right into the driver side. The doctor told me I was blessed to be alive, little did he know I would now be stuck with my not so loving or caring birth mother.

Usually a tear would have slipped my eye but I learned the hard way to control them. Every time even the slightest bit of water came to my eye I would be punished.

I quickly dressed into what ever I could find and ran out the door.

Kate was the lucky child I still have yet to figure it out but my mother always loved her. I felt no envy just confusion.

I began walking to College. Since I had no money and was very lucky to even be allowed to live under the same roof as my birth mom I was going to a community college a few blocks away from home.

I utterly hated it. The kids here were moronic idiots, yes kids they do not deserve the title of young adults. The criteria itself was bogus, I mean the whole school itself was a joke. But I worked hard everyday without stopping in hopes of getting into an actual university somewhere far away from here. I did not care where, as long as I no longer needed to see my so called family.

I felt as if my life was slowly leaving my finger tips. That I would soon lose all control over it, and become a lifeless zombie stuck in a daily routine never ending.


"Yes Professor Ari" I head towards her desk.

The class had been dismissed early but she had asked me stay.

"Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? and wait for the mail?"

Professor and I grew rather close this semester. She was even kind enough to lend me her mailing address due to my current living situation. I did not want my mother knowing about my plans for the future. She would lock me up and keep me as her personal slave. 

"Sure Professor why not"

"Elaine Call me Ari. Geez how many times must I remind you it is alright."

"My apologies Prof.. Ari won't happen again" I smile at her.

The drive to her house was quiet. I had nothing to say although there were a thousand thoughts running through my head. All the possibilities I would be given if accepted into a university. The  opportunities, being able to venture and be free, to socialize outside of school. 

When we arrive I wash off and help her prepare for dinner. Her husband was not able to join us tonight he was on a very important business trip. I had no idea what he did for a living, she never talked about it and I never asked I feared it would be rude. Though I was dying of curiosity.

Once dinner was finished we cleaned up and continued to wait. I was literally sweating, I was so nervous. Ari glanced over at me and laughed.

"Its okay dear" she patted my shoulder " Don't worry yourself too much or you'll become ill. Im sure you were accepted"

I just nodded to her.

Finally we see the mailman climbing her stairs.

I open the door before he reaches the last step to greet him. He jumps back.

"oops! I'm so sorry didn't mean to startle you." I say to him.

"It's okay Elaine" he chuckles as he extends his hand out towards me "This is for you Congragulations."

My eyes bulge open, I feel the tears forming in my eyes. Could this be it? Was I accepted somewhere.

I look down at the envelope now in my hands. I run inside to the kitchen to grab the letter opener. My hands are sweating and shaking so much as I open it I slip and cut my self. I ignore the bleeding and continue on.

Dear Elaine Mortez Congragulations on your acceptance into our university here in London. We look forward to having you come join us......

I did it. I actually did it. Whooo hoooo London here I come!

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