Thanks Dad

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Ship(s): Platonic Logicality

Warnings: NONE! ISN'T IT GREAT?! :D I FEEL SO ALIVE! Well... sickness.

Patton narrowed his eyes at the sniffling trait, staring at him disapprovingly and tapping his foot rapidly. Logan sat at his desk, sniffling and rubbing his bleary eyes. Logic's nose was red and snot trickled down his face, which he quickly wiped away. He was wrapped in a blanket and shivering, even though it was almost 70 degrees in the house and sweat was pouring down the back of his neck. He kept coughing and emitting small, high-pitched sneezes that made Patton want to giggle, but he didn't.

"I-I'm not sick. And I don't need to sleep. Please leave so I can get my work done," Logic said, his stuffy nose making his voice sound clogged. Patton's mouth twitched slightly into a disapproving frown before he smiled and set down the bowl of chicken soup that he'd made the other aspect (both because he was sick as a dog and because he missed dinner), rolling his eyes when Logan wrinkled his nose.

"Whatever you say, kiddo. I'll be back in a sec with some cold and flu medicine, you keep right on working," Morality chirped, bounding out of Logan's office happily. As soon as he was out of sight though, he let the smile wipe right off his face and his shoulders slump with exhaustion. He dragged his feet as he went into the bathroom, fighting back a yawn and searching for the medicine. It was nearly three am and Patton should have been asleep, but he was too worried about the logical side that he would not rest until he got better, or at least went to bed. Logan had been sick for nearly a week but kept denying it and refused to take care of himself. Just like always...

When Patton returned to the other trait's working space, he smiled widely and hung back in the doorway, chuckling softly. Logan was slowly eating the chicken noodle soup, his head bopping as he tried not to fall asleep in it. Loud, wide-mouthed yawns kept escaping him and Morality could tell that his earlier claims not being sick or tired were as false as ever. Patton let the other man finish his soup before reentering the room, brandishing the bottle of cough syrup triumphantly.

"Nooooo," Logic whined, pulling the blanket off of his shoulders and onto his head, covering his face and body entirely. He peeked out at the fatherly trait and pouted before pulling the blanket back over his head again and laying down on the desk. Morality snickered and walked over to Logan, yanking the blanket off and shoving the medicine in Logan's face, watching as the other man fixed his glasses and looked up at him in exasperation, still shivering slightly.

"I'm fi-" A spoon filled with cough medicine was shoved into his mouth and he gagged, swallowing it on instinct and retching at the awful taste. Patton smirked and patted Logan on top of the head, putting the spoon down next the the soup bowl and scooping Logic out of the chair. As Logan opened his mouth to protest he ended up yawning loudly instead, and nuzzled into Patton's shoulder sleepily, accepting defeat. Morality smiled and left the room, walking quietly up the stairs and into Logan's room. Setting Logan down on the bed, Patton helped him took off his glasses and tucked him in, pulling the covers up around him. Logic made a sound of content and burrowed in the covers, smiling a little and humming with satisfaction.

"Thanks dad," Logan muttered sleepily between soft yawns. Patton's eyes softened and he placed a gentle, loving, fatherly kiss on the other trait's forehead before turning out the lights and leaving the room to let Logan sleep, a smile that matched Logan's sleepy grin etched into his face. 

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