Almost There

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This is for the Fantasy!AU I'm working on. 

Warnings: Near-death experience, panic, and kind of kidnapping.

Ship(s): None. Or it could be seen as Platonic Logan/Joan

Details to remember: Logan is a human, and Joan is an elf. They've never met before. Logan, Roman, Virgil, and Patton are brothers.

"Just wait a little longer, we're almost there," the elf, who had introduced themselves as Joan, said to the shivering man beside them as they helped Logan walk along, keeping an arm around his waist and helping him stand up. Logan stumbled and limped, his hair and black tunic freezing into thin strands of ice from the cold air surrounding him, and the water clinging to his body, left from his near-fatal plunge into the river.

"N-No. I need to....I need to go back," Logan choked, looking behind at the slowly disappearing cliffside with desperation. "M-My brothers...they'll think I'm dead. I have to-"

"I'm sorry, but you can't go back. You need help. You're bleeding, and you'll freeze to death if I leave you out here. You won't be of any use to your brothers if you die, right?" Joan said, sounding almost smug, but reassuring at the same time. Logan closed his eyes, fighting back tears, and nodded.

"You're right, but...but we've already lost Pat. What if they think I'm dead too? W-What-" Logan shuddered, his breathing quick and uneven, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

"It'll be fine, Logan. Trust me. My scouts will keep an eye out for them, and make sure they're safe. But you need help." Logan fell silent, unable to fight with the noble creature any longer. All he could do was hope that he could find Roman and Virgil after he appealed to Joan's requests.

They needed him.

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