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"No! This is ridiculous! We cannot keep entertaining Roman's stupid ideas if we ever hope to get anything done!" Virgil snarled, glaring at Patton and continuing with his pacing. Patton frowned.

"Virgil, you know very well that Roman is trying his best. Besides, the idea wasn't all that bad! Maybe you and Logan can look it over together and figure out how-"

"NO!" Virgil shouted. "NO! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF LISTENING TO ROMAN'S BULLSHIT! HE THINKS HE'S SO AMAZING AND PERFECT AND THAT EVERYTHING HAS TO GO HIS WAY AND I. AM. SICK OF IT! I WISH HE WOULD JUST-" Virgil's yelling was cut off as Patton tackled him in a hug, nuzzling into Virgil's shoulder and squeezing him tight. Virgil swallowed, closing his eyes to fight back the tears welling up in his eyes and sagged against Patton, silent. Patton held Virgil close, humming a soft, gentle tune in his ear to get him to calm down further.

"S-Sorry....sorry..." Virgil whispered, a few tears slipping down his cheeks, lips quivering. "I just wish he'd let us do more...we're supposed to work together..." he continued. Patton sighed.

"Don't apologize, kiddo. Roman can get a bit...excessive, at times, but he means well. We can always talk to him about it," Patton said, scratching the back of Virgil's head soothingly. The darker trait hummed softly, burying his face in the crook of Patton's neck and slowly wrapping his arms around his waist.


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