It's Not You

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Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, Thomas Sanders, YouTube

Warnings: Self-hatred, fighting, homophobia, and implied abuse

Ship(s): Romantic Prinxiety

"Virgil, I just don't understand. Please, tell me what I've done wrong!" Roman pleaded with his boyfriend, tears welling up in his eyes. Virgil glowered at the older boy, pulling his hood up over his head and looking away, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. This hurt him, this hurt him so badly, but he needed to do this. For his own safety, and for his lover's.

"This isn't just about you," Virgil whispered, fighting back tears. It was a drunk father and a homophobic mother who both threatened to kill him when they found out he had a boyfriend. It was kids at school who gave him death threats, geared towards both him and the adorable jock he loved. It was Virgil's love for Roman, his desire for him to be safe and happy and loved, and his hatred for himself that made him realize that he would never be good enough for Roman.

"I know it's not, but surely- I- please tell me what's wrong! I need to fix it! Please!" Roman said, voice choked. Tears were streaming down his pale face now, and Virgil's heart almost burst out of his chest in anguish.

"Of course you'd believe that...that it's your fault. It's not you, it's me. Just...please go, Roman. Please," Virgil whispered. His heart seemed to shatter into pieces as Roman quickly straightened up, tugging at the sleeves of his jacket and glaring at the other, still crying.

"Fine. If you want this to end so badly, then I'll leave. You never have to see me again," Roman said coldly, voice still quivering with pain.

"Fine," Virgil choked. Roman spun around on his heels and walked off, fighting back sobs, leaving the other heartbroken boy to make his way home alone.

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