Stay There

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This is a Human!College!AU

Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, YouTube, Thomas Sanders

Warnings: Implied violence, homophobic slur, blood, implied gang jump, hospital mention, and robbery.

Ship(s): Logicality. Can be seen as romantic or platonic.

As soon as Patton heard crying on the other end of the phone, his heart lurched in his chest. He listened to Logan babble on for a few moments before cutting him off.

"Stay there. I'm coming to get you," Patton said firmly into the phone. Logan sobbed and let out a weak 'okay' before hanging up. The bespectacled man quickly grabbed his car keys and ran out the door, hopping into his car and driving off towards the park. Logan had gone there for some peaceful, late night studying, which had turned into anything but. Through his sobs and tears, Patton had been able to make out the words 'guys', 'hurt', 'jumped', and 'money gone'. He skidded into the park's parking lot and jumped out of the car, running to playground surrounded by park benches and picnic tables.

"Logan? Logan, are you here?" Patton called out to his roommate, searching the grounds frantically. He heard a faint sniffled and a weak "Over here, Pat", and quickly sprinted to the source of the sound. Logan was hiding underneath one of the plastic sets of stairs leading up to a slide, curled up tightly in a ball and shivering. The color drained from Patton's face as he saw blood staining Logan's trembling hands.

"Hey, Lo, it's okay now. I'm here. Can you come out to me?" Patton said softly, extending his arms out to the other and trying to keep the tremble out of his voice. Logan nodded before carefully climbing out from under the stairs army-crawl style, grimacing as his belly slid across the ground. Patton scooped him up into his arms as soon as Logan had made it out, holding him tightly and thanking any God who cared to exist that his friend wasn't dead.

"What happened? Did someone stab you?" Patton asked as he helped Logan to his feet and walked slowly towards the car. Logan looked up with a pained expression and nodded.

"S-Some other guys from the U-University. Said a f-fag like me deserved to be- agh -to be put in my place. They attacked me and...and destroyed my books and t-took all my money," Logan said between grunts and wheezes of pain, eyes misting with tears. Patton squeezed his shoulder and helped him the rest of the way to the car, saying nothing as he gingerly assisted Logan in sitting down before hopping into the driver's seat.

"Is your seatbelt on?" Patton asked as he slipped on his own. Logan nodded, patting the strap, before pressing his hand against his wounded stomach. Patton reached over and squeezed his free hand reassuringly.

"Let's get you to the hospital."

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