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Warnings: Self-deprecation, body image issues, and crying

Ship(s): Romantic Prinxiety

To say Virgil was nervous was an understatement. After the makeup video Thomas had done with Ben, he'd been...experimenting. He'd secretly stolen some makeup from Roman's room, hoping that his boyfriend wouldn't mind. Virgil actually found himself smiling as he began to apply makeup to his face, beginning with foundation and blush, covering up the disgusting acne and blemishes that caused him to where his eyeshadow and pale makeup. But, maybe, he could actually start looking good. He moved on to mascara and eyeliner, carefully trying not to poke his eye with the wand. If there was one thing Virgil could like about his horrible body, it was his eyes. They actually looked decent. Virgil started making a wing on his left eye when a knock on the door and someone's voice startled him, making his hand jerk and eyeliner squiggle all over his face.

"Virgil, have you seen my-? Oh," Roman said, standing in the doorway and looking at his lover in surprise. Virgil grimaced and quickly hid his face, using the long sleeves of his black and purple jacket to hide his makeup. He probably looked hideous. He always did. Why the hell did he think makeup would actually make a difference? if anything, it just made it worse.

Roman smiled and walked over, taking Virgil's hands away from his face. He frowned a bit when he saw how Virgil's lips were quivering and sighed. He gently brushed his thumb over the spot where he'd made Virgil mess up and said, "Come here. Let me fix it." Virgil blinked as Roman started to tug him back towards the mirror again. Roman grabbed his makeup back that Virgil had taken and quickly pulled out a few makeup wipes, carefully wiping away the excess eyeliner at the corner of Virgil's eye, trying not to hurt him.

Virgil kept his eyes closed, fists clenched tightly at his sides. He didn't want to see Roman's disgusted face or hear him scoff as he saw how ugly Virgil was. The dark trait could feel tears brimming in his eyes and his lip quivering, and he quickly fought back the tears. He flinched slightly as Roman cautiously redrew the wing with eyeliner. He felt Roman back away and opened his eyes to see the fanciful side looking at him critically.

"How bad is it...? Virgil muttered. Roman frowned at his boyfriend and sighed, shaking his head. He wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and pulled him close, making him yelp.

"I think you're beautiful, Virgil. Can...can I kiss you?" Roman said, a little nervously. Virgil truly did look gorgeous, his eyes popping because of the purple and silver eyeshadow and the eyeliner, and his lips were particularly tantalizing. When Virgil smiled at him softly, a tear running down his cheek, Roman's heart soared.

"You don't have to ask," Virgil whispered, leaning forward and capturing Roman's lips in his own.

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