Message From the Sides

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Logan: Don't forget to take your medicines, take a break to stretch, get yourself some water and snacks, and get to sleep at a reasonable time. Even though you think you don't deserve those things or that you don't need them, I can assure you that you're doing a wonderful job, even if you are struggling. Your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing is vital for you to succeed, to feel and be healthy, and to be happy. Always do your best and don't stress over one bad grade or one assignment. You are doing wonderfully, and I'm sure that I am not the only one who is proud of you. Take care of yourself, and just do your best. I have faith in you.

Roman: Stuck on that story you've been writing? Staring at a blank page of a sketch/notebook? That's okay! Creative block happens to everyone! You are not a failure if you can't produce content every day, every week, even every month! Make content that makes you happy and inspires you, and do it in your own time. Followers who truly appreciate you will love your content no matter when it comes out or what it is. Just remember, you are not a failure if you can't think of ideas right away, or if you haven't produced content in a long time. You can do things no one else can! Your words and drawings are your own! Let them fly!

Patton: It's okay if you can't take care of everybody! If you spread yourself out too thin, you won't be able to help others or, more importantly, yourself. Yes, it's good to make sure your friends and family know that you love them and that you are there for them, but don't beat yourself over not being able to help everyone. You are only one person, and listening to people all the time can be very mentally and emotionally draining. Make sure that You have someone to listen to as well. Your efforts are loved and appreciated, and even if you think you aren't doing enough, it is enough. You are enough.

Virgil: Look, I know that sometimes doing big presentations or performances can be really scary, but I know you can do it. If you stutter over stumble over a few words, it's not the end of the world. Every single person has messed up at least a little when giving a presentation. You worked hard on this project/model/speech/etc, show off your work. Have some confidence in yourself. You deserve recognition and praise for what you've done. If you mess up, that's okay. Don't be overly apologetic or freeze up. You can do this. Just take a deep breath and keep going.

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