Don't Die on Me

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Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, Thomas Sanders, YouTube

Warnings: Blood, major character death

Ship(s): Brotherly/Platonic Logince

"Brother!" Roman roared, rushing through his troops towards his fallen kin. Logan laid still on the ground, clutching a wound in his side, face ashen. Roman collapsed to his knees and scooped Logan up into his arms, wiping the dirt, grime, and blood off of his face. Logan opened his mouth to say something but was cut off as blood bubbled up in his throat. He coughed, curling up, pain flitting across his handsome features.

"R-Roman....I...I don't want to die," Logan managed, breathing shakily as a bit of blood dribbled down his cheeks. Roman quickly wiped it away, ignoring the tears rolling down his cheeks and the blood seeping from his brother's numerous wounds.

"You won't, I promise. I won't let you," Roman said firmly, and he stood up to get a medic, but Logan grabbed his arm, eyes wide with pain.

"D-Don't leave me, please!' Logan wheezed, chest heaving with panic. Roman cupped his face in his hands and pressed their foreheads together, rubbing Logan's cheek.

"Never," Roman murmured, and he felt Logan relax.

"T-Thank you," Logan choked, closing his eyes and leaning heavily against Roman's chest. The young prince swallowed back the lump in his throat, looking down at his older brother with grief-stricken eyes.

"Don't die on me– Please," Roman whispered, resting his head on top of Logan's. Logan smiled a little, and began to speak, but then his face went slack and his body fell limp in Roman's arms. Roman jerked his head up in alarm, looking down at Logan's pale, blank face. His eyes were empty; the intelligent gleam was gone from them forever.

"N-No!" Roman howled. "No! Logan, please! Come back!" Roman begged, shaking Logan roughly in his arms. But his cries fell on deaf ears. Logan, his beloved brother, and companion, was gone. 

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