Boyfriends Hide Bodies

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Logan groaned as he heard the rapping at his window, rubbing his eyes tiredly and putting on his glasses. He blinked in surprise, seeing his boyfriend standing on the balcony outside his window, holding what seemed to be a huge, black garbage bag in one hand and a gun in the other. Alarmed, Logan threw the covers off his bed and opened up the window leading out to the balcony, approaching his trembling boyfriend cautiously.

"L-Logan," Roman choked out, dropping the gun and the bag and tackling the other, shorter boy in a hug. Logan was about to hug Roman back when he felt something warm and rather sticky on Roman's football jersey. Startled, Logan pushed the other back and nearly screamed.

"R-Ro, why is there blood on your jersey?!" Logan whisper-yelled, looking behind him to see if his parents were coming before glancing back at Roman. Roman sniffled grimaced.

"I-I...It was an accident, I swear. W-We were fighting and he tried to attack me and he had a gun and I didn't know what to do-"

"Whoa, Roman, slow down," Logan muttered, reluctantly grabbing Roman's wrists and rubbing the back of his hands with his thumbs. "Is that him?" he added, gesturing towards the large black garbage bag. Face paling considerably, the brunette football player nodded. Logan's stomach churned and he felt sick, resisting the urge to puke as he let go of Roman and walked over to the bag. He nudged it with his foot and shuddered when it made a squishing sound.

"You fucking killed someone," Logan said, voice laced with disbelief. Roman flinched at the rare use of a cuss word and nodded.

"It wasn't on purpose sweetheart, I swear. But I need to hide him. Please, do this for me and I'll never ask you to do anything ever again!" Roman said in a hushed tone, looking down at his bloodstained hands in shame. Logan whirled around, looking at Roman with wide, angry eyes.

"You want me to hide a body?!" Logan shouted, fists clenching at his sides and his once stunned expression twisted into an angry one. Roman nodded humbly, awaiting his boyfriend's answer. Logan sighed and grimaced.

"Who is it?"


"The jock who punched me earlier?"


"I should've guessed. You sure it was an accident?" Roman sniffed and nodded, wiping the snot running from his nose and nudging the bag with his foot.

"I was defending you and he got pissed off. He pulled the gun out on me and I...I just lost it. It was an accident, I promise. Please, if you love me, please help me," Roman begged, clasping his hands together and looking at Logan with pleading eyes. Logan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll grab my shovel." 

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