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"SHUT UP!" Patton roared, turning to Roman with his eyes blazing. "JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Roman blinked, startled, and had to brace himself on the counter to keep himself from falling over in surprise.

"Wh- Patton's what's wrong?" Roman asked, looking at the other trait nervously. Patton trembled with pure rage, glaring at Roman with gritted teeth.

"I'm not stupid."


"I'm. Not. STUPID!" Patton shrieked, grabbing Roman by the front of his shirt and yanking him forward. "You think you're all high and mighty and can say whatever you want about people. and I'm fucking sick of it! I'm not stupid! I'm childish! There's a God damn difference!" Patton added with venom, shaking Roman slightly as he yelled in his face. Roman squeezed his eyes shut, not even trying to reply, knowing it would be useless. Patton shoved Roman back.

"I hate you. Never come near me again," Patton said, before pushing Roman back and running up the stairs. 

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