Their Butterfly Meadow

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Warnings: Heartbreak, crying

Ship(s): Logince

"C'mon Lo, I wanna show you something!" a 15 year old Roman said with a giggle, pulling his best friend along through the mindscape. Logan struggled to keep up with his stronger and faster friend, pushing his too-big glasses up his nose. The two young boys stopped in front of a huge red door, panting for breath. Roman jumped up and down excitedly.

"My room appeared yesterday, and you'll never believe what's in it!" Roman squeaked, turning the door handle. Logan ducked behind Roman, nervous, knowing that sometimes, the little fanciful trait's idea of fun and excitement rarely matched his own. Roman gave his friend a reassuring smile and opened the door, revealing Roman's fantastic room. Logan gasped, eyes wide with awe as he slowly stepped inside.

A vast meadow filled with flowers of all kinds laid before them. The cheerful sounds of cheeping birds and a bright, yellow sun created a beautiful, peaceful atmosphere. Logan could faintly see a large forest and the tippy tops of a castle's towers just over the lush tree tops. Roman grinned as Logan began to walk forward slowly, eyes glittering with anticipation. Logan shrieked as as a burst of color suddenly shot up in front of him and he stumbled back, covering his eyes.

"Logan, look!" Roman shouted with a laugh. Logan peeked between his fingers and squealed with joy, leaping to his feet. The sky was filled with butterflies. Butterflies of all shapes, sizes, and colors fluttered through the air, flashing their gorgeous patterns for the two teenagers to see. Roman smiled fondly as butterflies landed on Logan's body, making the bespectacled boy laugh happily, his eyes alight with a wonder and curiosity Roman had become accustomed to seeing in his logical friend. Logan held up one hand, observing the rather large butterfly that had landed there. Its wings were clear as glass, tinted blue, purple, and gold. Roman took Logan's hand in his, smiling softly. The two stood in silence for a moment as the butterfly flew away and Logan looked at the sky with a grin, and Roman turned to Logan, a faint blush rising on his cheeks. Logan looked down and returned Roman's gaze shyly, squeezing his hand tightly, leaning in-

Logan slammed the book shut, the memory disappearing instantly, making his room go dark. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he hugged the book to his chest, the book that Roman had given to him that day. The day of Logan's first kiss. Roman had promised to love Logan forever, that nothing could ever tear them apart. But as years passed by and Roman's ideas, purpose, personality and room changed, Logan and Roman's butterfly meadow had faded into nothing more than a distant memory, preserved only by Logan and the book that Roman had given him. Logan allowed himself to weep, tears dripping down on the book's golden cover, grieving over his lost love.

Roman may have forgotten, but Logan would never forget their beautiful butterfly meadow.

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