Logan (Fleshed Out Fic)

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Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, Thomas Sanders, YouTube

Warnings: Nightmares, extreme terror, self-deprecation, anxiety, self-hatred, and hurt/comfort

Ship(s): Platonic Analogical

There was nothing logical about this. Sleep should be easy for him, as simple as breathing, but no. He had to be scared of the dark. Well, he wasn't scared of the dark exactly, but all the possibilities of what could be in it.

Logan curled up tighter around himself, glancing around his darkened room fearfully. Each shadow looked like a monster, each bump and creak making him flinch. His heart was pounding and he closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, but that just made him more afraid. What if something snuck up on him when he was asleep? What if he had a nightmare? What if his fears came true? Logan scoffed to himself and shook his head, letting out a shaky sigh and nuzzling into the pillow. It was fine...everything would be fine. With those few reassuring thoughts, Logan finally managed to lull himself to sleep.

It took only an hour or two before Logan was shaking and moaning in bed, hands gripping tightly at his hair in his sleep as his body wracked with suppressed sobs. Screams and cries echoed in his head, taunts and laughter followed with it. He was still asleep, unable to escape the painful nightmare that had consumed his conscious. It was so dark and cold and everything, all the pain, the thoughts, the voices telling him that he would never be good enough, echoed and banged around in his head. He finally jolted awake with a choked scream, clawing at his throat as he tried to breathe. After a few moments of panicked gasping and soft sobs, Logan thumped back against his mattress, curling up in a ball and hiding his face in his pillow in shame.

Stop being so stupid. It was just a dream. It's just the dark. Stupid stupid stupid.... Logan thought, shivering with fear as a loud creak resonated through his room. He screamed into his pillow in frustration, punching it several times for good measure, before finally breaking completely and releasing heart-wrenching sobs into his pillow. Logan felt useless, pathetic, and stupid. He was supposed to be Logic, the calm and collected persona, the one who had everything pulled together. Yet, here he was, scared out of his mind because of a few shadows. He let out a loud shriek as the moaning of the wind sounded outside of his window and pulled the covers up over his head. He felt like he was going to die, like the world was going to end and the pressure would slowly crush him into a thousand tiny pieces. Logan was shaking incredibly hard at this point, flinching at every small creak and bump that sounded in the night. He wanted so badly to get help, to crawl into one of the other sides' beds and bury his face in their chest, hugging them tightly until he drifted off to sleep, but he knew that was impossible. Logan knew that they would hate him, and they would see just how useless he was. So Logan laid in the dark, already prepared for another lonely, terrifying, sleepless night.

Virgil was sleeping soundly when a chill rushed through his body and a loud scream echoed in his mind. Making a startled grunt, he sat up straight and grabbed at the air, eyes shooting open as he reached for someone that wasn't there. Hands trembling slightly and his heart pounding rapidly in his chest, he let his arms drop to the mattress, and stared into the empty darkness of his room for a moment. Someone was in trouble. Someone was hurting, alone, and Virgil knew it. Sighing and swiping away the thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead, Virgil quietly got out of bed and tiptoed into the hallway. He held back tears as pure agony and terror that wasn't his own ripped through his soul, and he had to brace himself against the wall for a moment, clenching his eyes shut and taking in deep, shuddering breaths.

Virgil approached Patton's door first. Despite his happy facade, the oldest side had frequent nightmares and was the most likely of any of the sides to be experiencing this kind of terror. But, when Virgil peeked his head into the other trait's room, he found him sleeping soundly, snuggling with Logan Jr. (the dog from Roman) and breathing slowly. Disgruntled, Virgil closed the door and proceeded to Roman's room. The royal was sleeping peacefully as well, his dreams of fighting dragons and rescuing maidens in peril broadcasting themselves on the walls. That meant...Logan was the one who needed help. Virgil's heart leaped into his throat at the thought of the calm, logical side experiencing this kind of pain, and he cursed himself under his breath for not getting to him sooner. He practically sprinted to Logan's room, breathing heavily and trying to keep himself from panicking.

Logan squeaked in surprised and backed up quickly against his headboard as his door seemingly opened by itself with a loud creak, sending a chill rushing down Logan's spin. He hugged his pillow to his chest, burying his tear-stained face in it and whimpering with fear.

I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die-

"Logan? Logan, are you okay?" Virgil whispered, crawling in bed and wrapping an arm around his trembling friend. Logan squeaked as Virgil joined him under the covers and held him close, and desperately tried to fight him off for a moment.

"It's just me, Logan. You're alright. You're safe. Nothing's going to hurt you," Virgil murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the other side's forehead and holding him tightly despite his thrashing. Logan stiffened as he heard the familiar voice, his lips quivering and teary eyes filled with hope.

"V-Virgil? Is...that you?" Logan choked, turning weakly so that he was facing the other man. Virgil smiled and nodded, pressing his prehead against Logan's and rubbing circles on his back, feeling how Logan quivered and flinched at his touch. Loga's face twisted painfully as he tried to hold back tears. He returned Virgi's embrace, burying his face in his chest and releasing sob after shuddering sob, letting himself cry, letting himself be vulnerable.

"That's it, let yourself cry. It's good to cry sometimes," Virgil whispered, pressing more kisses into Logan's hair and to his forehead. Logan merely whimpered in response, still shaking with fear. Virgil's brows furrowed and he cradled the back of Logan's head, wondering what to do to get his friend calm enough to sleep. An idea came to mind and he smiled, nuzzling into Logan's hair. He knew the other would get a bit miffed in the morning for singing him a children's song, but it was the best Virgil could come up with.

Logan sniffled softly and blinked, tears still dripping slowly down his face, as Virgil began to softly hum Brahms Lullaby. Logan hiccuped and snuggled up closer to Virgil, clinging to his sweatshirt slightly and shivering, closing his eyes and listening to him sing. As Logan nuzzled into Virgil's slightly damp t-shirt, Virgil could feel his heartbeat slow, hear his breathing become less ragged and more regular, and see his tears slowly come to a stop. He smiled and shifted slightly so the two of them were lying down facing each other, arms still wrapped tightly around one another. Logan sighed with content, shifting closer to Virgil, burying his face in his jacket.

The dark didn't seem that scary anymore. 

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