I Noticed

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Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, Thomas Sanders, YouTube

Warnings: Self-harm, self-deprecation, and self-hatred

Ship(s): Platonic Prinxiety

"Why does it matter, Virgil? Nobody noticed! You all just...You all just accepted that I was acting strangely! You d-didn't ask if I was alright, or h-how I was feeling, you just...you didn't notice!" Roman said, tears welling up in his eyes as he hurriedly pulled his shirt back on, back turned to Virgil. The dark trait's brow furrowed, his eyes still fixed on Roman's left arm, where deep cuts and scratches still faintly oozed blood. Hesitating, he walked up to the usually confident trait, wrapping his arms around his waist in a hug. Roman stiffened but made no move to push Virgil away.

"I noticed," the anxious trait whispered, closing his eyes tightly and resting his head on the other man's back. Roman grimaced and his shoulders slumped, eyes cast down towards the floor.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Roman whispered, tone laced with pain. He didn't understand. Surely, Virgil knew what it was to feel like this. If he had seen, wouldn't he have said something? Or shown he had cared? Or had Roman messed things up with him so badly that Virgil thought he deserved this? The two stood in silence and Roman cried quietly, trembling gently as Virgil remained silent.

"I was scared that I would do something wrong and just make it worse. But...it got worse on its own. I should've said something. I-I'm...I'm sorry, Roman," Virgil replied, biting his lip hard enough to make him taste blood. Roman blinked and turned, forcing Virgil to let go so their position wouldn't be too awkward.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. Thank you...thank you for caring, at least-"

"Never do it again. Please, you don't deserve that," Virgil cut Roman off, looking at him with pleading eyes. The princely trait smiled wearily and sniffed, more tears making their way down his cheeks.

"I can't promise anything right now, but I'll try," was his answer. A relieved half-smile donned Virgil's face and he quickly, but cautiously, enveloped his friend in another embrace. Roman wrapped his arms around him tightly, burying his face in his shoulder and letting himself sob softly. Virgil said nothing, contenting himself with running his fingers through Roman's hair and gently rubbing his back.

Virgil would fix this. He had to; for his sake, and for Roman's. 

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