Chapter Twenty: Gay Boys and Doritos

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*William's POV*

"Oh, William!" she yelped. I was attacked by another round of passion-filled kisses. "Mm! How are you so perfect?!"

I chuckled, fighting back with more kissing before taking a break to reply. "Lemme tell you, it's definitely not an easy job."

Yet another round of kisses came. "Oh! Just your gorgeous thick hair," her hands brushed through my hair, pulling my head closer to hers, "your sparkling green eyes that match your pale complexion so beautifully, oh! My heart melts just thinking about it! And those lips, oh, those luscious, delicious lips! I could kiss them all day!" she sighed with pleasure, forcing her lips against mine, "I love you, William! I love love love you!"

"I love you too, Gre-"

Meow. Meow. Meow meow meow.

Just like that, my dream world disappeared. As soon as it had came, my fantasy had left, and it was all thanks to Artemis's groaning complaints. I rolled over in my bed, turning to look down at the floor, where my cat stared back at me. She cocked her head to the side and licked her lips, her beady golden eyes giving me a dirty look. I shook my head and sighed, disappointed in myself. I had forgetten to feed her last night.

Reluctantly, I dragged myself up and out of bed, picking Artemis up as I did. I carried her with me on my way downstairs and into the kitchen, where I could hear Ethan and James arguing from the living room. Ignoring the commotion they were making, I pulled out the large bag of cat food from the cupboards underneath the sink. I poured some of the cat food in Artemis's respective dish and refilled her water. She pranced over to her bowls, greedily eating her food and lapping up some water. I smiled to myself, glad that feeding Artemis was done and over with for the morning.

I scooped up my cat again, taking her back upstairs. I plopped her down on my bed, earning a surprised meow from her. I decided that there would be no possible way of falling back alseep, so I began to get ready. Changing out of my old pajamas, I threw on a faded t-shirt and a pair of jeans, sliding my tattered Converse onto my feet. I ran my hands through my hair, I didn't particularly feel like going to the bathroom to fetch a comb. I unplugged my phone from its dock and put it in my pocket before heading back downstairs.

After preparing a bowl of Cheerios for myself, I headed out to the living room, despite the racket my cousins were making. I sat down on the couch behind them, while Ethan and James sat two feet away from the TV on the floor, game controllers in their hands.

"Dude!" Ethan exclaimed, elbowing James, "This is the fourth time you've blown up my house, come on!"

"Don't hate the player, hate the game," James responded with a shrug.

"Oh, yeah? I'll hate the player if I want to!" Without missing a beat, Ethan threw his remote to the ground, tackling and wrestling his twin brother. I watched them go at it, a bit surprised by their reactions. It was only Minecraft, after all.

In the midst of Ethan strangling James and James struggling to get away from Ethan, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I slipped it out and checked the caller ID. It read 'The Knoxinator'. I chuckled to myself, I still hadn't bothered to chage his contact after the one time I let him use my phone. I learned my lesson the first time: never let Ronald 'The Knoxinator' Knox get a hold of your phone. Never the less, I slid my thumb over the screen to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, Will!" Ronald greeted. I could almost hear him smiling.

"Hello there, Knoxinator," I scoffed, kicking my feet up on the coffee table as I sat my bowl of cereal down on it as well.

"So - wait, what's all that noise?"

I pulled my phone away from my ear to watch Ethan body slam into James, causing the two to burst into a fit of laughter. I personally didn't find the two beating each other up amusing, "Cousins," I answered, putting my phone back to my ear.

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