Chapter Seventeen: Hospital Day

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"Excuse me," we all looked up to see a man in a white coat. "Are you friends of Alan Humphries?"

"That's us," Eric answered, walking up to the man. 

"I have news about his surgery." We all jumped up and crowded around the doctor, anxious to hear the news. He backed away, he looked slightly uncomfortable that four teenagers had approached him so quickly at the mention of their friend. He gulped, then sighed and smiled at us. "I'm pleased to inform you all that Mister Alan Humphries's surgery was successful. The Thorns of Death have been completely removed from his system."

We all gasped, looking around at each other with excited looks on our faces, similar to those of children on Christmas morning. Well, I suppose it was somewhat of a Christmas present that Alan was cured. Grell couldn't restrain herself and she flung her arms around the doctor, squealing in joy as she hugged him. His face was turning dark purple from lack of blood circulation. Awkwardly, he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. He turned his attention to Ronnie, who awkwardly held his hand up for permission to speak. "Sir, are we allowed to visit Alan now?"

"Not yet," the doctor answered as Grell let go of him. He smoothed out his white coat, which had been tampered with during Grell's unexpected hug. "The anesthetic is stil active, but he should be awake and ready for visitation in about an hour. For now, why don't you kids head on over to our cafeteria? It's been a long night."

I nodded, smiling at the doctor. "Alright, thank you, sir. We will." I said, walking down the hall with my friends following me. According to the little signs placed on every corner, we were headed in the right direction to the cafeteria. Soon, we entered the open room, where patients and visitors alike eat meals.

Once the four of us had gotten our meals, we found an empty table to sit at. It almost reminded me how we sat at lunch, except this wasn't school and Alan wasn't with us. Ronald and Eric sat down on one side together, which left Grell to sit with me, as much as she didn't want to. We all ate in silence, until Ronnie decided to break it up. "Man, I'm so glad Alan's surgery went well, aren't you, guys?"

Eric nodded, "Yeah. I'm just glad that we don't have to worry aboout attacks anymore," he said, smiling. "I don't know what we would've done if we couldn't have had this surgery now."

"I agree," Grell added. "I don't even want to think about how bad those would have got if the thorns weren't removed."

Eric sighed, still with a huge grin on his face. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now. They're gone, and he's going to feel so much better when he wakes up. I can't wait to see him."

We all muttered some form of agreement before returning back to our food. We endured another quiet period, before I felt the need to talk again. "Grell, again, I'm sorry." I know that I'd been apologizing a lot while we were waiting for Alan, but I had to do it again. I have my reasons for apologizing.

"I get it, just stop apologizing." she growled, glaring at me through the corner of her eye. 

Seeing that she didn't want to talk, I scooted away from her until I was on the end of the bench. "I meant about Sebastian, about the possibility of him... y'know, cheating on you." 

"And being gay," Ronald added. I feel bad for her. He boyfriend may really be another guy's boyfriend.

Grell groaned, throwing her head back and covering her face with her hands. "You just had to bring that up, didn't you?" she groaned, slumping forward. "He just doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would play around, especially with another guy, you know what I mean?"

"Well, he has been avoiding you lately," Eric said. Grell looked up to him, her lips curling into a frown as her eyes narrowed. I noticed how irritated she was becoming, so I signaled to Eric to cut it out.

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