Part 11: Am I Gay?

Start from the beginning

It's fine. Maybe some other times.

"Ughhhhh! Stop being such a good guy! You're making me look bad!" Dinah said, very angrily, while throwing her hands up in the air.

Dinah Jane Hansen:

That was all her reply. She doesn't want to talk to him anymore. She hates the way he makes her feels, like the bad guy. She broke up with him, she didn't showed up at his practice like she said she would, and what next. Oh right, after almost a year of relationship, her first kiss was with someone else.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why me!?" She shouted.

"I need Ally." She said, laying down on her stomach before Skyping Ally.

"It's Saturday, why are you calling?" Ally said once her face showed up on Dinah's screen. Ally is referring to their normal Sunday Skype calls with Lauren and Normani.

"Why? I can't talk to you when it's not Sunday anymore?" She said, looking at her camera like a lost puppy.

"I'm kidding. What's up boo." Ally smile before she's laying down on her stomach too.

"Al." Dinah paused, thinking whether or not she should tell Ally the whole Lauren story. She decided not to because she doesn't know how Ally will react.

"Al, have you ever thought that I might not be straight?"

"To be honest, yeah. I mean, you and Zendaya are one strange friendship." Ally said without the need to pause and think.


"Yeah?" Ally asked when Dinah said nothing after that.

"I think I like someone." To admitted this to herself is one thing. But to tell Ally, that's a whole other level. Dinah isn't even sure if she's really ready for this conversation.

"Oh my god! Tell me everything! Who is the unlucky soul?" Ally try to sneak in a little joke because she noticed the serious expression on Dinah's face. She doesn't like the serious Dinah, carefree Dinah is her favorite.

"Ally, I think I like Lauren." There is no turning back now. It is not a secret anymore.

"Oh wow. I mean, that's great. She already like you too." Ally said. She didn't look too surprise or shock or anything. This made Dinah a little bit more relieved. Ally is the closet person to her heart and if Ally's react badly to this, she doesn't even know how she's going to survive.

"But I don't know. I just.. , she just.. , I don't know." Dinah is feeling hella frustrate right now.

"What? What is it that you don't know?" Ally asked with caring voice, smiling at Dinah through the phone.

"Myself, Ally. What if I only like the thought of her liking me?" Tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. Dinah hates complicated things and this feeling for Lauren is confused her to the point where she can't even think.

"You don't have to think too much about something like this. Just let your feelings set the pace, and if you're happy, follows them."

"Follow what?" See? Can't even think.

"Your feelings, dummy." Ally giggly said.

"But she's a girl." Dinah said softly. Confusion and hesitation lingered in her voice.

"So? When does that even matter to you?" Ally words left Dinah thinking. She had question her own sexuality before but she was too young to understand anything. After what feels like 2 minutes, Dinah finally answer.

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