The End

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I really like the third person P.O.V. so I'm gonna stick with it.

As a scream resonated throughout the mansion every pasta there jumped in fear. Kat and Slender jumped the most knowing who it was and who he would blame.

Jack emerged down the stairs, still screeching in a high pitch with his four tongues like things out, and his eyes that were once there just for Kit bounced against the wooden floor moments before Jack lunged at Kat who dodged his attack by mere millimeters.

"J-Jack?!" She stammered not expecting him to attack so suddenly. He flew back into attacking her as she barely dodged his every move and the Creepypastas created a space for the fight to go on.

"Had you never came back this wouldn't have happened! She wouldn't be dead! It should've been you!" He hissed finally having tired her out enough to land a few successful hits on her. Jack knocked Kat to the floor, pinning her there prepared to kill her for taking his beautiful Kitten away from him, but Ben had other plans.

He tackled Jack off of Kat and began fighting him even though Jack would initially win. He could at least last long enough for Kat and the others to take Jack down with a great plan, but unlike what he thought he wasn't strong enough to take Jack for long.

The eyeless creepypasta looked back to his original prey after knocking Ben out having no intention of killing anyone except Kat who looked him in the gaping hole where his eyes would be with little to no emotion in her eyes.

Kat knew that the only way to defeat Jack would be to slide into her crazy side and hope to hell someone could snap her out of it after she was done. As she stared at him lunging at her and emotionlessly dodging his attacks, she began to giggle, a sinister giggle that the killers knew all too well. They all became worried about their fellow killer wondering if he would make it out alive now that she had made this switch.

"So you wanna play Jack?~" She giggled again, this time it sounded more like a cackle. "Let's see if you can keep up.~"

Kat and Jack attacked one another viciously and quickly. So quick that even Slender had a difficult time watching the fight.

"This is your fault!"

"If you hate me so then why am I not dead? You have more experience with this stuff than I, meaning that you could overpower me any day. So I ask again: why am I not dead?" Kat stabbed he katana into Jack's shoulder. "Why was it that I overpowered you so easily? Perhaps, this was you want to die and go with her? Would you like that? I don't think she'd want you to let me kill you now would she?"

"Fight back. For me Jack." A small voice rang in the back of Jack's mind and that was all it took for him to lash out fully at Kat. He picked her up by her throat and gave her a psychotic look that told her she had done well. He threw her as hard as he could at the wall and it ended just like that.

As Kat flew through the air, Ben awoke to look at her and saw her smile for the last time as she hit the wall and went straight through it landing back-first on a sword. Ben couldn't do anything except look toward the floor as the tears surfaced. He'd lost her. The one thing he'd hoped he'd never have to endure.

Kat was dead. She was with Kit.

She can be friends with Kit again and be happy and normal again. Ben thought as more tears slid down his face and a scream ripped from his throat.

About ten minutes later Ben was still crying and every pasta, including Jeff and his posse, had returned to the mansion. After Jeff walked in and saw Kat lying on a sword and heard that Jack had done it, he'd tried to kill Jack. He failed only because Slender had knocked him out.

Laughing Jack took Kat's death harder than Ben and Jeff had. He quit smiling for a good six months. In those six months, he didn't pull a single prank. He simply sat in his room crying as Ben had done, but Ben only did it for a week. Jeff, unlike the other two, went with Eyeless Jack on a killing spree so they could vent out their anger.

Slender and Kat's dad felt as though they had failed. Slender had become her second father when she became a pasta and her dad had finally been forgiven for all the pain he'd caused her.

However, as everyone took the deaths of the girls roughly, it didn't hit anyone as hard as it had Liu and Lost Silver. Liu had thought that Kit and Kat could finally be like sisters again and he could witness it. Silver lost his best friend. Kit was basically his only friend.

Overall, the deaths of these two made all the Creepypastas split paths. They're now scattered all over the world. The woods you're living near could be where Slenderman is hiding and watching you. Under your bed, Eyeless Jack could be waiting for you to fall asleep so he can steal any organs he prefers to eat. Jeff the Killer is just waiting to put you to sleep as you read this. Ben might pull Cleverbot up soon so beware.

They may seem like stories now, but to Kat and Kit, they existed. They were the reason the two girls died.

They took a walk on the creepy side and realized why killers can't love anyone.

They took a walk on the creepy side and realized why killers can't love anyone

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