Back Again

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*****Kat's P.O.V.*****

Each day was scarier and scarier. I wouldn't leave my room unless Slenderman called me to his office so he could check the mark. So far Jeff hasn't made a decision yet but I'm always on the watch for him now. I stick around Kitten more often now. I'm worried that if she's left alone Jeff might finally get to kill her. Jack and Ben tell me I'm worrying too much and that I need to sleep, but I refuse. I need to protect my best friend. What did you think I was doing as I wrote this? Of course, I was hanging out with Kitten and making sure she was okay.

Jack walked into the room and snuggled up to Kitten and I sat there thinking, 'ship!'

"Kat, you should go get some rest. You look more tired than Slenderman and all he does in work. I'll watch her don't worry." Jack replied. I huffed reluctantly getting up and walking out of the room. Walking down the hall I ran into Ben who asked where I put his GTA V game and once I told him he parted to go play it. I finally arrived in my room to see Slenderman sitting in the armchair to the right in front of the fireplace I had. The other two were empty but I only remember having one.

"Slender? What are you doing here? You usually call me down." I said sitting in the armchair in the middle. Slender looked at me and then back at the blazing fire, which was the only object lighting the room since it was about midnight and I didn't have windows.

After a few moments of silence, he finally said, "You have a visitor but before they come in, may I check your mark?" I nodded, and walked over to him, holding out my arm. He lifted the sleeve of my short-sleeved t-shirt and I gasped.

The entire mark was completely healed but left behind a scar. My worst fears were realized. Kitten's life was now endangered by Jeff.

"My visitor is Jeff, isn't it?" I asked horrified, just waiting to hear his voice with that cocky attitude I used to love so much or see him walk in and put me in that trance I fell into.

"We have a winner, Little Katrina. Hehehe," Jeff said wrapping his arms roughly around my waist. "You won't get away from me this time. Now you're mine and no one can take you from me. Now then, Slender, the kitty and I have some business to take care of." Then he cackled like the madman he was.

And that's something I forgot to tell you. While upgrading my creepypasta form, Liu thought it would be funny to give me real cat ears. He said it made me look more appealing and that even Slendy would find it cute. That was the day I broke Slender. I walked into his office blushing madly because of the sexual pickup lines Ben and Offenderman were using on me. My ears were held down to my head and I was pouting. Slender looked up when the door slammed and started fangirling. He even got Splendor and Trender in on it too. Let's say the three will never fangirl over me or come near me with bows again.

Slender left the room and Jeff tackled me to the floor. I attempted to get away but he was much stronger and easily pinned my arms above my with one hand and used the other to cover my mouth. I bit his hand and screamed for Jacky.

Jacky was quick to kick the door down and tackle Jeff to the floor. Ben, who must've heard my scream, raced in helping me up and pulling me toward the tv. We both went through but Jeff was quick enough to pull me back out. Once I was out Jack, who had a trembling Kitten behind him, nailed a punch right in the center of Jeff's nose, knocking him out.

I ran into Jacky's arms crying my eyes out. Jeff probably brought his fucking posse with him and now I have to go back to being bullied.

Jacky carried me to my red covered bed and laid me down on it. He covered me with my red comforter and kissed my forehead in a brotherly way, walking toward Jeff. Ben was next doing the same and Jack just ruffled my hair making me and Kitten giggle.

Jacky picked up Jeff and walked out of the room followed by Ben, Jack, and Kitten.

Once the door clicked shut I snuggled into my pillow whispering a few words to myself:

"Go to sleep, you'll have sweet dreams..."


I'm pretty sure there's only one person reading this... So I love you, one person. You are amazing. Keep reading you beautiful person!


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