Assholes Never Learn

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*****Kat's P.O.V.*****

I walked down the hall on my way to Slender's office, passing by the movie room, I heard hushed whispers immediately recognizing the voice as Jeff's. I peeked into the room seeing Jeff sitting behind Kitten, twirling a piece of her hair.

"You and your white hair." He whispered. "Didn't it use to be black?" I was upset by that. Yeah, I said I hated him, but... Maybe some feelings did linger deep within me.

Jealousy boiled in me at the right and I ran the room, grabbing Jeff's hand away with an angered expression pulling him to his feet and out of the room.

I didn't know what I was doing. All I knew was that he should be with me not her.

He was mine.

"You wanted me so bad yet you sit there with Kitten. That pisses me off." I growled and pushed him into a wall roughly. I knew who I was mad at. I was mad at Jeff. He was toying with me and I hated being in his control.

"Hey now, princess, calm down. I meant nothing by it. I swear." He said but the lies swam in his eyes like fish in the sea.

"I'm not a fucking idiot Jeff!" I shouted stomping off up to my- er our room.

When Jeff woke up after being knocked out by Jack, he stormed into my room insisting he keeps an eye on his property. Jacky and Ben refused to allow him in the same bed as me so Jeff agreed to sleep in an armchair, anything to make sure I was his.

As I slammed the door shut, I could hear Jeff's angry stomps quickly climbing the stairs and I became frightened.

Idiot. What did you think would happen?

"Fuck," I mumbled opening the door and pushing past Jeff. I ran to Slender's office. "Damnit! Where's my refilled medication? I forgot to ask you for it and it's crucial that I take it now."

"They didn't have it in," Slender replied.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

Haha! You're fucking stuck with me bitch.

Shut it freak.

Make me, Asshole.

I fucking will.

"Kat. Quit arguing with yourself."

"Aww, the poor kitty still has voices in her head. How sad." Jeff cooed in a baby like voice.

"I'll rip your fucking throat out and shove it up your ass, Jeffrey Woods!" I growled dangerously.

"Oh! Please do! I'll enjoy it very much!~" He replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Idiot," I mumbled walking out of the room. I ran past the movie room and upstairs to Jeff and I's room. As Jeff walked in he locked the door and came dangerously close to me.

"Hm, what's wrong Kitty Kat? Is it...this you want?" He said pulling my medication out of his pocket. I reached for it but he held it out of my reach.

"C'mon Jeffrey! Give it back!" I yelled jumping up and missing every time. Damn my shortness.

Jeff simply cackled, "Oh I simply love watching those tits bounce as you try and get them. And the way you call me Jeffrey; I may just start going by that again." I stopped jumping for the medication and instead lowered my head and blushed.

"Sh-shut up..." I whispered and Jeff chuckled.

"Now ask nicely for what you want.~" He said.

I pulled on a large white hoodie that I stole from Jeff obviously and quietly asked, "C-can I p-please have my m-medic-cation, Jeff?"

"That's much better, doll." He said and handed me the medication.

God, I hated that nickname. Doll. Just the thought of it made me cringe.

I walked around Jeff and out the door. Arriving in the kitchen, I saw Kitten, Jack, and Silver making popcorn. I quickly walked past them to the sink, pouring myself some water.

Jeff must've thought it would be funny to take my glass and drink all of it.

Jack, Kitten, and Silver thought it was hilarious though when I took the glass and smashed it over his head, knocking him out.

"Now then, Jeff. Next time you want a glass of water, ask as nicely as I did for my meds. Thanks." I said sarcastically making Jacky and Ben fall to the floor cackling when they walked in.

I poured myself another glass of water and took my medication. Then I cleaned up the broken glass and the six of us went to watch Ouija, leaving Jeff knocked out on the floor.

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