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Kittens Pov-
It was Kat. What was she doing here? "Jack we need to leave now!" I told him, as soon as the concert ended. He sighed and nodded his head. "Okay, let's go find Silv and Liu." He told me, as Silv walked up to us. "Okay, then we just need to find Liu." Jack then said. We started walking towards the direction that we last saw Liu.

It didn't take us long to find him, but when we found him, he was with Kat. He told us that she was coming with us, then we left.

When we got home, I saw Cody, who recently joined us at the Slender mansion. Liu and Kat went into the kitchen to talk, while I went up to my room to get ready for bed. As soon as I was done getting ready, and I' walked down to the kitchen and overheard Kat telling Liu what she got me for my birthday. When she was done I walked in fuming with Cody and Toby right behind me.

After Cody was done talking to her I lost it. "You think you can come back like nothing ever happened! You think that after you picked Jeff over me, us, that you could come back to our lives." I felt tears pricking at my eyes. "Y-you think after l-leaving me. After kn-knowing wh-what m-my pa-parents did." By this time I was full on sobbing. There was no going back now. "Yo-you were the only one there for me and you left! Just like everyone else!" With that, I ran out of the mansion.

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