Knock knock

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Kittens Pov~

When I awoke the next morning, it was still storming, and Jack was nowhere to be seen. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen where Liu was. "Hey Kit. How are you?" He asked.
"I-I'm o-okay. Di-did Ja-jack te-tell you the n-news?" I asked referring to me starting medicine.
"Yeah. And it makes me happy. You'll be able to get a full nights sleep again. Would you like some pancakes?"
"Y-yes!" I screamed, pancakes being my favorite breakfast food. Liu laughed and started to make pancakes for us.

When we were done eating, Liu and I put our dishes in the sink and went to sit in the living room. "Y-you m-make gr-great pa-pancakes," I told him laughing. It seems like it's been forever since I've been this happy. "Why thank you."
"What are you to doing? Did you eat without me? Why god why?" I heard Jack say from behind me. I nodded my head and Jack sat on my lap. "How dare you! Actually, I'm good, I had waffles." He said then laughing. "Anyway, on a serious note. Kitten you're starting your medicine tonight. By the day after tomorrow, you should be stutter free also." He told me.
"That's good!" Liu practically shouted.
"Y-yeah. I'm ex-excited." I told them both, smiling.

A few hours later, Kat, BEN, Jack, Liu, Jacky, and I are all playing just dance when someone knocked on the door. "Turn the tv and light off and only whisper," Jack told us, the other Creepypastas, other than me and Kat, already doing the stuff he said before he said it. "BEN, what's going on?" Kat asked.
"We have this thing we do." BEN started.
"That's if a knock comes to our door." Jacky continued.
"We go into hiding." Liu then said.
"Because no one should be able to find this mansion unless we want them too, or they're a Creepypasta," Jack whispered.
"And the only Creepypastas missing are Jeff, Nina, Jane, Strangled Red, and the Blue Man, who all are crazy." BEN finished.

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