Eyeless Kitten

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Kittens Pov~
"Ma-Marlon?" I said once Kat has left the room.
"Yeah, Sis?" He said, sitting on my bed next to me.
"Th-this is re-real right?"
"Yup one hundred percent. Why do you ask?"
"Wh-when I wa-was sl-seeping, I ha-had a dr-dream th-that we be-never me-met the cre-Creepypastas," I told him honestly.
"Don't worry we did. Now, are you ready? You know to become one?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulder and nodded my head. "Don't worry. It wouldn't hurt too much. The only part that hurt was what Jack did, but he won't hurt you." I once again nodded my head, and Marlon walked out of my room.

About ten minutes later he came back with Jack and Liu. "Hey Kit, you ready?" Liu asked me.
"Ye-yeah," I told them. They asked Marlon to leave the room and got to work. "Hey Kitten. If anything starts hurting too much just tell us okay?" Jack told me. I nodded my head, finding myself unable to speak to him. How can he be so kind to me after what I did to him, why did he even save me? "Okay, Liu, you work on her hair and face, I'll work on her back. What we planned ok?" Jack said to Liu.
"Yup. Don't worry I'm not going of course with our design for her."

After about l an hour, with a lot of pain, they were done. I stood up, with Jacks help, and carefully walked over to a mirror. Jack held me up since I still couldn't really walk from being asleep for so long. My hair went from brown to black with purple streaks. I had stitches on my arms and neck, and I had black feathery wings. "Do you like?" Jack asked, nervousness coating his voice. "Ye-yeah," I told him smiling.
"Great! Okay just focus on hiding your wings and they will disappear. You get to pick your Cp name, saying, and your choice of weapon." He then told me. I ponder over what my name should be for a moment then looked at Jack. "Hi-hide and se-seek," I told him, remembering that I scared him and the others during that game.
"Great choice Kit. Do you have a saying?" Liu asked.
"Wa-wanna pl-play hi-hide and se-seek? A-and my we-weapon is b-bow and a-arrow that's on fire." I told them, not really wanting to have to hurt people.
"Great choice!" Liu said clapping. He looked between Jack and me and decided to give us a long time.

Jack helped me back over to the bed, and I kept my gaze towered the floor. "Kitten." He said trying to get me to look up. Realizing that wasn't happening anytime soon, and kneeled down and looks into my eyes. "Hey kitten...screw it." He grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me.
"Wh-why'd yo-you do th-that?"
"Because I know the truth. And I still love you. I need my kitten back. Do you want your Jack back?" He asked, looking as if he were on the verge of tears. I nodded my head smiling. "I missed you my Kitten. I'm never leaving you again."

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