Punishments Begin

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The picture isn't mine. Here's the link to the amino profile I got it from.

*****Kat's P.O.V.*****

That was disgusting! Ugh! And I was just about to eat breakfast like a somewhat normal person. Jeff followed me out my bedroom door snickering at what I said to Kitten and Jack.

I've given up on being Kitten's friend. I get beaten down if I so much as step out of line, but if she does it, she's told its fine and not worry about it.

As the days went by I began to loathe her. She was becoming my enemy. But I simply glared at her and walked out of the room like the mature kitty I was.

·····Time Skipsy·····

At this point, I was living with Jeff and the others in the cabin from when they ran away. It felt amazing to walk into a room and not have everyone glaring at you then having to glare back. I felt free for the first time in a while.

Especially with Jeff. I could be with him and not have to worry about losing my best friend because my best friend was Jeff. He was always there when I needed him.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, we grouped together with Salgo and his army. Through this, I discovered Dark Link and Dr. Smiley were still very much alive somehow.

Dinky, which was my nickname for Dark, and I became gaming buddies. He wasn't as much of a challenge as Ben but still was hard to beat.

Dr. Smiley taught me about human anatomy because my killing partner, who I wish was Jeff but sadly he was already with Jane, was the Puppeteer.

He was pretty cool. We would go to his room after every kill and he would make his kill into a puppet and soon I began helping.

Jane, though, was my go-to girl if I needed to talk. Her, Clockwork or Killer Joy were my girls. Is three and, to my unsaid disappointment, Nina all went shopping together just like we were doing at that moment.

"Hey, Jane! What do you think of this?" I came out of the dressing room with my fabulously picked outfit. We were shopping at Hot Topic after all. I wanted my outfit to be more like Jeff's. Go ahead call me obsessed because I am. I thought it would be cute. So I got the outfit below.

But the converse was different. Jeff has said multiple times that I don't praise him enough so instead of normal converse I went with these.

Now he can't complain about me not praising him.

As Jane saw my outfit she cackled, "Good. Now that idiot will quit complaining all the time."

I giggled, "That's exactly what I was going for." and we walked out. Did you really think we would pay for our stuff? We're killers, what did you expect?

"Let's go drench that dress in blood." Joy, or as she prefers to be called Killer, said in her dull yet alluring voice. Nina agreed and so did Jane and Clockwork. Toby ran out of Hot Topic putting an arm around each Jane and me.

"So," He said drawing out the 'o' in so. "What are we going to do now?"

"I say we go killing then if everyone agrees. What do you say, Toby?" I asked looking at him.

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