He's Back

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Kittens Pov~
They hate you. They always have and always will. Just like your parents. Nothing will change how you are a low life worthless little brat of a girl. And don't think you can get away from me y little kitten. Ymo's voice boomed through my head

I jerked awake, panting. I looked over at Jack who was peacefully sleeping next to me. He insisted on staying in my room at night to ensure I would be safe. I was debating whether or not to wake him when he sleepily sat up. "You okay my kitten?" He asked yawning.
"J-just wo-worried a-about Kat," I told him, not wanting to worry him.
"She's with BEN ashes fine. Now tell me the truth. It's the voices isn't it?" He said.
"N-not ju-just a-any voice."
"What kind of voice baby?"
"I-it's n-nothing. G-go b-back to b-bed."
"Baby tell me."
"I d-don't wa-want you to wo-worry"
"I'll always worry about you. You're my kitten." He told me, kissing my forehead.
"Th-the vo-voice be-belonged to Ymo," I told him quietly. I heard him sigh, and get up from the bed. "I'll be right back. I'm talking to Slendy about your voices. He might be able to get medicine for it." He told me, leaving the room.

Thunder shook the house throughout the night, and it's been 10 minutes since Jack left to see Slendy. I was watching the rain fall out the window when I swore I saw a figure standing at it when the lightning flashed. I carefully walked over to the window and looked out it. Out in the distant, we'll not really too far from the house, a figure, standing there, staring at the house. "Kitten, baby," Jack said, startling me, causing me to jump back. I just pointed out the window, to where the figure was, to show Jack. He looked out the window and the figure was gone. "Whatever you saw is gone now, baby. It was probably just an animal. Anyway, Slendy said he has a medicine that can make the voices go away. He also said that it could help with your stutter."
"O-okay. Th-thank y-you." I told him, giving off a small smile.
"Your welcome my kitten. I love you, always have and always will. We'll be forever ever."
"I love you too Jack." I said, that still is the only thing I can say without stuttering. "Okay baby. Let's get back to bed. It's already 3:40 in the morning. Oh, one more thing! Slendy got me a new mask!" He told me.
"Th-that's good," I said, yawning.
"Okay sleepy head, back to bed." He told me. We both walked over and lay back down on the bed. Jack was sleeping again with no problem. I, on the other hand, knew I wasn't going to get any more sleep for another hour or so. Who was that figure I saw? Was it just an animal? I hope so, I can't deal with any more drama yet.

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