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Alright so originally I was gonna skip this word from my random word generator (weba bruh) but I realised that I could put a really cool chem pun in here and that was the deal-maker


"Blaine?" Kurt calls out, "Where did you put the sheet music I told you to hold onto for me?"

A somewhat distant "I don't know" rings through the loft and Kurt laughs sarcastically.

"What do you mean you don't know? I asked you to keep it for me."

"I must've misplaced it. Is it in my satchel?" Kurt checks and it isn't there, "No!"

"Well. Then I probably lost it," Blaine exits the bathroom and comes up behind Kurt to wrap him up in a hug. Kurt, though, doesn't accept it.

"You think you lost it and you're not going to look for it?"

"Kurt," he gestures around the tiny living area, "If it's not in my satchel and if it's not here then I lost it. Can't you just print a new one?"

"Of course I can, but you're missing the point."

"That people make mistakes and lose things occasionally?" Blaine takes a guess.

"If I can't trust you to hold onto a simple thing for me then-"

"Whoa, stop. Did you have a bad day? Do you want me to leave for a while?"

"No. You stay right here."

"Kurt. Do you want me to look for it?"

"Well, since you lost it there's no point, right?" Kurt almost spits out.

"I'm still not understanding why you're so mad at me."

"Because I can't trust you to keep some sheet music safe for me! What if one day when we have kids you have to look after them and you lose them?"

"What the hell are you saying? You know that would never happen*! That's a fucking ridiculous comparison. And at least I'm not the one who-"

"If you say what I think you're about to say, don't even go there. Don't even dare."


"Why don't you just shut the fuck up for once and learn how to be an adult!" Kurt's volume goes higher than it ever has before and he's mad. Blaine flinches and freezes up.

After a few seconds of just staring at each other, Blaine says, "This relationship is becoming acidic, isn't it?"

Kurt scoffs, "It used to be so basic."

Blaine stares for another few seconds, and then he loses it. The laughter escapes him and he can't keep it in at all because that is the funniest thing in the whole world at this point in time even though it's just a chemistry pun and why is he still laughing? His fiancé approaches him with a grin he's trying to hide.

"Are you okay?"

"Acidic- basic- all day- funniest- you- funny" he says between roars of laughter and now it's really worrying Kurt.

"If you keep laughing you're going to faint." Blaine already feels really lightheaded and has to sit down before he actually does faint. "You're ridiculous," Kurt says.

Blaine finally calms down and he's sporting a dopey grin, "What were we talking about?"

"Can't remember." Kurt does remember but he doesn't want to bring it up again, favouring finally seeing his fiancé happy after the seemingly never-ending stress the big city supplies.

He'll just get new sheet music later.

*There's a movie with Cumberbitch where he loses his child in the super market and goes insane and I wanna watch it and probably will soon

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