All my Fault

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Victoria's POV

I just stood there.
Yeah that's basically what I did.
Just stood there.
Everyone was starring at me.
Some with pity in there eyes, others with surprised looks and glares from girl.

I thought this day would be so damn different....I thought he would accept me for who i am.....a nerd that no one likes.

All that was going in in my head was rejection.

Over and over I can see Jason walking out of the room I just really thought he was different but I guess that all boys are the same. ALL BOYS.

Returning back to reality I held the sides of my tall dress in my hands and with tears in my eyes I ran without looking back.

I just really wanted to get out of this place.

I went into the limo as I saw it and told the driver to step on it.....I can no longer take this type of embarrassment why did I think that he would accept me.

He's a cute and handsome quarter back.

Boys like him don't like girls like me.

"Are you okay my child you look so down what happened in there", my driver Colin said.

" Its nothing just hurry up and get me home please",I said and he continued to pay attention to the road.

I really did not want him to talk to anyone at the moment.... I was truly not in the mood to talk about my problem to a absolute stranger.

Suddenly the limo came to a stop and I quickly came out of it....but when I looked at the house where I brought me back to my dads house why? I don't know.....

"Why did you bring me back here", I said to Colin and he pointed at something in front of me or maybe someone.

" Why are you home so early dear",my dad asked.

"I-i wasn't feeling so well that's why", I stuttered out.....

" I don't believe you Tory your my daughter and I'm really sorry your mom hid me from you.....I'm really sorry for not trying my best to spend time with you....but I have to work to get money so that your step mom and now you can live comfortably.

I'm glad that you are now with me and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend the rest of your life living with me", he said and I just stood there shocked I really wasn't up for that question.

First Jason, now my own dad god......I can't stay here I feel like the whole world is on my damn shoulders....Jesus...

After all only man I know not like other men is Jesus...

"Dad can at least think about this all going so fast I don't even trust you I don't really know who the hell you sorry but this is all moving too fast for me....I have to go...", saying that I ran in the house knowing that I didn't want to sit in that limo one more second....

This is definitely going to be a long night.

This is all my freaking fault...

A Week Later.....

" Tor i swear to god if you don't wake up I'm going to wet you up",my step mother said..

"Just one more minute", I grumbled I really did not want to get up off this nice comfy...

" You said that a hour a go", let me put you up to date...

After that night with my dad I stayed here at the mansion not wanting to see my so called sisters face.....

During these few days my step mother and I have grown a good mother and daughter relationship...I really do love her.

And well I have chosen to move in with dad said he would try and see what he can do about his that he can spend time with me here...

About school well.....I hate it.

I got in two fight since week with my sister.... Jason has been ignoring every time I try to talk to him.... to tell him that I'm sorry he doesn't even look at me....and he's been really close to my sister lately its awfully awkward....

My sisters little gang has been spreading rumors about me being a slut or bitch.....

And for my friends well I only talk to Sarah Kelly has been distant we don't really talk to each other again...

"Okay...okay I'm up no worries", I said trying my best not to stay in bed...

" Thank have six minutes to get ready young lady or you'll be really late for school wouldn't want your sweat loving step mother to get a call from your principal now would we",she said with a smirk on her face...

"Oh no I wouldn't", I faked out.... "How the hell am I going to get ready in six minutes", I said and she gave me a sad smile...

" Maybe you should forget about Jason and date Barry Allen...he's cute and he could definitely help you", oh might be thinking how did she know about Jason well I told her...everything....every..thing.

"Ugh....", and with that got ready for school.


So tell me what do you think ...let me know please.

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