The day we met

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"Hey you, what's your name again",this cute, sexy, handsome boy said to me and all I did was stand there and look at him like some stalker would do,

"oh......Ahh...Its V...Victoria Lopez and you are?
...", I asked, shaking at every single word ,he then smirked and said,

"well my name is Jason and I'm looking for your sister Tiara".As soon as I thought we would continue this conversation without saying anything about my sister,"oh I don't know maybe she's at her class or somewhere",
I said lying about were my sister was.

"Okay well if you see her tell her I need to speak with her okay?",he asked speaking to me like I was some six year old.

Everything in this school is about popularity and sex,that's it, nobody cares about school ,work or anything else.

Now, as for my sister she is one of the most popular girls in this school and she often hangs out with the football players because the basketball players are too tall she says and for me I'm just a girl who is afraid to show the world whats she's made of.

I love singing, drawing and sculpting I can't do any of that in front of anyone not even my best friends Sara and Kelly.
They are kind of the weirdest kids in this school that's why I love them so much.

"Hey Tory so did you get Jason's number",Kelly whispered in my ears. She has a crush on Jason for 2 years now and she can't tell him because she thinks he has a girl friend.

Kelly is the most nerdiest girl I ever sawn and funniest too. She loves to were big sized glasses shaped in a heart and she loves to wear short dresses and sneakers like who does that.

"So did you or did you not","no actually I didn't instead he ask for my sister who I think is dating him",I said smiling although I shouldn't be.

"So no wonder he always sit with her in our science class and always laughing at every thing Mr Garrick says ,I should of noticed",she said making me frown at knowing that they sit beside each other every science class, this is terrible I feel sophicated by my own breath. I know that everyone in this school has a crush on Jason, well everyone I know has a crush on him this is so awful up to my best friend likes this boy.

You know what like every other girl I'm going to try my best to get close to him",Kelly says in a creepy way."Hey guys what's up",says Sarah with a bright smile on her face.

"Why are you so happy ",I ask wondering if it was because she got a puppy or she finally told her dad that she loves him or its because her evil big sister die.

"Well I have something exciting to tell you guys James kissed me and said he liked me","your joking right",I said looking around on Kelly's expression to see if she believed Sarah,"I don't think she is joking Tori", Kelly said to me staring widely at Sara.

Sarah is not the type of person I know to give shocking news like this, like seriously she doesn't even like the boy,and the reason for that is because he was a low life jerk who goes around the school being every girls boyfriend,"look Sarah I know you,well we both know you",I said pointing at Kelly,"and we both know your not stupid enough to believe a loser like James.
Look around you, look how many girls he's been with and you took a kiss from him like ewe",I said disgusted by the fact that my best friend just got kissed by James that whore.

There was complete silence between me and Sarah, and only god knows were Kelly went but I bet she went somewhere quiet to erase the thought of seeing James kiss Sarah."Look you don't have the rights to tell me who can kiss or who can kiss me because I bet right now if Jason Lorence kisses you, you won't regret it", she says talking about the boy everyone has a crush on,"okay I'll leave it alone for now but if any thing happens between you two don't come running to me", I said smiling.

Finally the bell has rang which signals me that its time for my favorite class in the world English Class.
Entering the class, a pair of shinny brown familiar eyes kept staring at me, it was Jason who was sitting beside no other than my sister who was totally trying to flirt with him which was not working because he was staring at me.

"Hey Tory",I heard one of my English classmate pals call signaling that he wants me to sit beside him. I then walked over to him smiling. As I take a seat I glimpsed over the corner of the class were Jason and Kelly were seated to see if he was looking at me still and I was right he was still looking at me.

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