Chapter 13

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My life is ruined

Why did my mom do this to me?

Who the hell is my real dad?

What should I do with my life?

These are the questions I've been asking myself for days.

I've been stuck in this room for a week , no school and only thing i eat is chips and to quench my thirst is some bottles of rum thinking about life and death.

My mom tried talking to me but I don't listen I just bucked my radio to the highest level and listen stupid rock bands because I'm the type of girl that when I'm down I listen suicide songs and since I don't want to kill my self I'll just keep listening these. My friends tried but I locked them out of my life,even my sister tried and she deliberately got kicked out of my room.

But today while watching a movie on my laptop I got a text from.....Jason which changed my day.

Jason - Hey sunshine hope you okay just wanted to say I'm sorry about what my friend said it was not cool and I'm truly sorry.

Aww its funny how much I miss seeing him.

Me - its okay I'm cool

This can't be happening he is the only person I've talked to since week he really got me under a spell.

Jason - So I've been thinking you never came to one of my parties without a mask why?

Me - I don't know I think its cute

Liar Liar Liar Why is he even asking me this he's suppose to be making me happy.

Jason - But I really want to see the true you not the girl under the mask, who calls herself Cinderella and I know that that's not your real name we both know that.

Oh damn did he have to ruin the nicest thing that has happened to me since week. Damn you Jason Lorence.

Me - I think I'm going to stop talking to you now

Yes there we go I hope this is the last time I ever speak to him again.

Jason - Why because I want to know the true you, because I miss seeing those most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, because I miss seeing how nervous you are around me.....

What is wrong with this guy first my mom, my friends now him. I'm not ready to tell people about my life I'm not going to just open up to these people all of a sudden. Its my life nobody gets to know about it.

Me - Bye Jason don't text or call back if I wanted to tell you who I truly was I would if I didn't I won't this is how it works with me ......blocking people out of my life is a personality. Tell you what I'll give you hints to know who I am.

I'm in one of your favourite classes and I'm the sister of one of your friends if you fail to find me in a month I'll come to the prom and that's going to be the last place you'll ever see me. Bye Jason.

I have a feeling that this was definitely a bad idea.

I feel so weak I've not eaten proper food in weeks I haven't even taken a bath.

My room is dark and hot and I'm rapped up in my favourite fluffy sheet when all of a sudden I hear a knock on my door its probably my mother.

"Go away mother I don't need you!!!!!!.....", I shouted I don't want to see her she means nothing to me and I'm keeping it that way.

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