Chapter 15

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So after seeing Jason I didn't bother to go to any class I just went straight home since no ones home yet and I waited until 3 o clock so that I could go to therapy .

After all I really do need to go to therapy.

I left the house five minutes ago and now I'm standing in front a door that belongs to Mrs. Powell.

Right this moment I have a weard feeling in my tommy, like I'm really really not ready for not ready to tell anyone about my life which is hell....

"Hello are you Victoria", someone said behind me.
" Yes I am","I'm Mrs Powell I'm your therapist for as long as you are okay, please go in I'll be there shortly ",she said pointing at the door.

What a lovely woman, her eyes looked like my Sdad's, brown looking.

I went inside and sat down on the chair in front the desk waiting for the lady to come in.

" Okay, so let's start, I want to know about you learn more about you, so tell me about yourself",she said taking a seat in front me.

"Well, my name is Victoria Lopez I'm 17 of age I'm going to a highschool that is full of gossip and jealous cheerleaders", I said in a nervous bored tone.

" Okay so since we have clarified that your going to a shitty school tell me something more personal", damn and I thought I look Innocent and act Innocent.

"Oh, I don't like my mother nor my sister, I use to drink but I'm trying to stop and my father died...I have two idiotic friends but I love them still...oh and my step dad forced me to come here", I said and she looked at me with a shocked expression.

" You my friend, is a picture of me when I was your age ",she said and I knew she was kind of right, she looks innocent but don't act like it.

" So do you have any boyfriends ",lord have mercy," n-no, no I don't think so I wouldn't say he' boyfriend... he's just ",I said stuttering like why am I doing that.

" Don't you dear lie to me I'm your therapist I'm suppose to know everything about you",she said,"okay I really do like the guy we've kissed already but he doesn't know my real name and he doesn't even know how I look only thing he's ever seen me in is a mask so I wouldn't call him a",I said flashing my fake laugh.

"Wait so he basically don't know nothing about you....that's weird very weird", she said," yeah tell me about it",I said....yeah my life is a mess right now.

" So are you planing on telling him","of course...not why would I...if he finds out the whole school will and if they find out that Jason Lorenzo kissed a total out cast then I'm done for life",with a worried face I said ....thinking about telling Jason hurts my head.

"Okay okay, so your an outcast at school...that sounds just like me", she said...I'm starting to like this woman." So what about your friends do they know",.....obviously not..they would tell the whole damn community.

"No...can we change the subject please? ",I said I'm tired of talking about my life now.

" So your life is basically fake",she said.... did my life become..'fake',what the hell.

"Okay I'm going now", I said.
" Sure tomorrow same time okay",she said and I just nod and went my way.


"I'm home", I shouted hoping no one is home.

" You bitch",my loving sister said...loving my ass..who the hell she think she is.

I slowly put my bag down and get ready to snap at her.
"Who do you think you are calling a bitch your the only dog standing here hoe",I snapped and she walked up to me with a smirk on her ogre looking face.

" Why do you have this mask Victoria or should I call you Cinderella ",she said handing me the mask I wore at the last party I went to.

.....Wait what the hell was she doing in my room.
"You went in my room.... Tiara I don't ever let anyone in my room not even my own mother so what the hell are you doing in my blasted room", I asked walking up to her as she walks back.

Tiara is always afraid of me when I'm angry. She knows how I stay when I get angry so why the hell did she do this.

" Vici... Victoria you don't scare me so stop acting like a freaking scare crow and tell me why you have this mask",she said acting very brave but I know she wasn't that brave.

"IM. GOING. TO. KILL. YOU",I said and started to strangle Tiara I'm tired of her being such a...such a...jeez...

" Victoria!!!stop...stop that now get off her",my mother shouted  pulling me off Tiara who was on the ground crying.

"What's going on with you two", my Sdad asked holding me back...I just want to snap at all of them right now , I'm angry...I'm really angry.

" She..almost killed me",Tiara managed to say. I can't believe she still can  talk after what I did.

"And I can't believe your not dead yet bitch....", I said and gave her a glare that made her flinch.

" Don't say that about her!!she's your sister for God sake",my mother shouted making me stop and stare at unbelievable.

"She's not even my real sister and I don't even know if your my real mother...the only person in this house who cares about me is this man", I said pointing behind me where my Sdad was,"he's been there for me through thick and thin times and where were you?... with a stupid fake blonde doll that I'm forced to call my have been nothing but a wicked step mother to me even though your my real mother...I'm tired of you treating me like....I don't I'm not your freaking daughter...then who am I to you mother...who the hell am I to you??!!!", I shouted and cried at the same time and I'm surprised she hasn't slapped me as yet.

" I...I I'm sorry...",she started and I cut her off instantly,"don't you dear say sorry to me because all you do is say and say and don't mean a shit ",I said and ran to my room in anger and cried myself asleep.

I just can't do this anymore, my dad who died isn't my real dad, my mother is being a god knows sister knows everything about me and the stupid mask...hey I just call the hoe my sister..I need to stop my Sdad from rubbing up on me. to stop all this drama there is two things to do...find my real dad...go to prom and show Jason the real me..its much better like this.

Hello missed me.
Yes you did.
Admit it
Anyway hope you guys like this chapter my WiFi is not working so its really hard.

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