I Realized

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"Good day class, the topic were going to talk about today is love, now my first question to you is what the hell is love anyone care to explain what is love",my teacher Mrs Murphy said smiling widely and blushing in a very weird way for everyone in the class to laugh.

I then heard Mrs Murphy call on Jason who was in the corner laughing and getting along with my sister like they were a couple.

He then stands up and say,"love is an expression given to a person when another person has feelings for him or her",

I can't help but laugh loudly at his foolish answer,"Miss Lopez can you please share with the class why you are laughing at the answer Jason gave","well Mrs Murphy  love is nothing of that sort I can like a boy and have feelings for that boy but It doesn't mean I love the boy that simply doesn't make any sense",

I said bravely looking directly at Jason's brown eyes, he then smiled at me and said,"so miss Lopez what is the meaning of love","well its a feeling you get when you find that special guy or girl and know that they are the one for you that they are the one you want to spend your whole life with,

that they are ment to be together for ever until they die in love with each other",I said looking at Jason with a soft smile on my face then suddenly I heard everyone applaud for ministering to them about what real love is,

I felt in love at that moment and I didn't know what to say all I know speaking to my classmates about love made me realized that I was and am in love with Jason Lorence.


Sorry for the short chapter. Its kinda like my first time writing a book on watpad so feel free to vote and follow because maybe one day I will follow you


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