Chapter 10!!!!

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"Okay my children this morning is a morning filled with love and its also the morning you'll be saying, with your partner, a line out of Romeo and Juliet play....",
said miss Murphy with a smile that makes the class burst in laughter and the blushing that makes me want to throw up.

" So get in your groups and choose two person which is a boy and a girl to say a line of the Romeo and Juliet play",okay so.... What The Hell Am I Going to do, I can't just say a love line out of the script with a boy every one  likes in the school like come on I know that every girl would kill for this but me, I'm not like other blasted girls I'm the typical good girl, look at me I'm a innocent girl who use to go crazy and drink herself to the ground.

"So Victoria do you want to be Juliet?",Luke said with a disgustingly cute smirk," Nope",I said with a pop in my 'p'.

"Oh come on V I really don't want to get a low grade I really don't and Jonelle and Christen don't want to do it so its up to you plzzzz I'll do anything plzzzz!", oh really anything I would tell him to lick out a toilet but I know that's too easy so I won't, mmmmm what to do," okay I'll do it but who is going to be Romeo",I said hoping that one of them changed there mind.

"Me obviously Mark and Luke actually went on there knees begging me to do it so....", oh god why me...Jason said it so cute awwww,...wait did he just say He's going to do it what the hell.
I can't believe this.

"So you in".

Oh god

"Yah sure so which line were going to do bec...."," don't worry about it just follow my lead okay",normally when a boy says that you are expecting trouble but I'll just go with the flow or should I not.....

"Miss Lopez its your turn please come up", okay guys wish me luck.
Okay that was shocking guess what we did good everyone loved it except for my sister who looked terribly jealous poor thing," that was ausom j  you both did good",Mark said with a surprised look on his face well everyone had that look on their faces.

"So...that went well right", he said eager to hear my answer.

"Oh yah it was especially the part when you took my hand and put it on your chest and spoke how you felt about Juliet which was me and I just stood there shocked as hell cause you didn't tell me that all this bull was going to happen,oh and when you danced with me and proposed to me in the end I just stood there shocked and I couldn't even say yes because you didn't tell me any of this was going to happen and you know the funny thing is.....I didn't have to say one word you just did the whole thing all by your self but you know what why am I even upset I looked like a fool up there but you know what.....I'll just shut up now",wow I think that's the longest sentence I've ever said to him damn I am really angry but why am i?, I got an A I should be thanking him not scolding him oh if only I had a mask on right now to hide my expressions and emotions.

"Oh....I'm so ...sorry I just thought...".

"No please I'm sorry I'm just letting my anger out on you that shouldn't happen I'm sorry", I said like seriously I need to shut the hell up now before he think he's my friend or something. I might have a crush on him but it can be broken by the snap of a finger.

"Guess what I know how to make you feel better".
" Really what do you have in mind".
"Well I'm throwing a costume party tonight at Colin's park it starts at nine will your parents allow you to come"." Why would you ask that".

"Well because your Tiara's sister and her mom hardly let her go to parties so I thought it was the same for you and I know your not the bad girl type who would sneak out through her room window just to go to the cutest boy in the schools party", he said with a smirk it wasn't as cute as Luke's but I'll work with it,
" well the last part is true I would've done that back when I was sixteen but now no,the first part is wrong my mother don't care for me and my step dad would send me so....",
" oh okay so your coming then right,","yes obviously I wouldn't miss it for the world..",liar.

"Okay I'll be looking for you and do you by any chance know someone by the name of Cinderella you kinda remind me of her you guys have the some gold eyes",oh my god he does like me....I mean the other me like the girl under the mask me...what should I tell him," oh,no,other than the cartoon I don't know anyone by that name",I said feeling really guilty,"oh okay well I'll be gone now"he said pore guy, with that said the annoying bell rang and he gave me a last glance and came out of class.
That was ausom I can't believe he actually invited me to this party of his this cannot miss me oh come on this is a day to celebrate but what should I do about the other side of me should I tell him....oh i don't know what to do.

"Hey guys what's popping",I said to my two besties who were standing in front of my locker.
"Oh nothing just standing in front of one of the now most poplar girls in school","what do you mean we both know I'm never popular and will never be", I said are these girls trying to be funny because it ain't working.

" Well we heard about what happened in your English literature class",oh shit news spreads so damn fast why can't these people keep there mouth locked."oh that..... It was nothing...I mean..I couldn't say anything. I...wa..",geeez that was so hard to say.
"Oh look at her she's blushing away our baby girl is growing up awwww", Kelly said pinching my cheeks making them look pinker than how they did before," look guys why are you being so girly you know I don't like those type of stuff","okay okay we know but anyway we also heard you got invited to this party is it true",Sarah said. I thought they would never ask I don't even know if I'm going I'm not really in the mood to go to a party I know you guys know most things about me but I've changed a bit my drinking habit has come to an end ,my mother is a hell and my sister hates me and I have two crazy ass best friends so I've really changed right or maybe I'm going too fast with the whole 'I'm changed thing'.

"So are you going or not".

"I don't know guys I thought that I could but...", I thought for a while,"....I don't even have anything to wear so...I cant-", Kelly cut me off by saying," don't you dear finish that sentence you got two best friends here they might feel offended ",she said acting so dramatic," look we'll help you.... let's go its..... shopping time",from the minute I heard that word I think I lost my appetite. I hate shopping don't these girls know me at all.

So tell me how is it going so far is it good,bad,exciting,
interesting then comment on it plzzzz I really want to know what you guys think.

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