Chapter 11

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After shopping my butt off yesterday, finding a dress to wear to the party which I did with a perfectly matching mask to go with it.
Yes, I am going as Cinderella not as Victoria. I really want Jason to like me I really do and as Victoria, I'm this sick, non- popular girl that has two crazy bffs. I don't think he'll ever like a girl like me I'm so dull, if you know what mean.

I took my laptop out to see if I got any messages. I haven't go on that website for a while now, the one that I texted Jason on....yah that one.

Yes,I got a message and guess who its from the one and only Jason Lorence.

Jason - Hey I've been thinking about you ever since I saw you at the party, I really want to see you again it would be nice to know each other and I know your trying to hide yourself from me but I get it you think I'm not your type but you may never know if you don't try.

I can't believe this, he likes me....I mean the other side me....the girl in the mask me. I have to text him back.

Me - I've been thinking about you too and its not that I think your not my type its won't like me if you know who I really am, we are totally different than each other and plus we know nothing about each other.

I waited for him to answer.

Jason - You know what I got an idea come to my party tonight. Its at Colin's Park ,it starts at nine plzzzz do come I'll be waiting for you.

Oh god why am I doing this to him I should tell him that its me before anything gets too complicated .Maybe I can show him the real me when I go to the party. MAYBE.

Me - I'll be there. See you later

Jason - Definitely

I better get ready for this party it starts at 9 and its 8:30 now I better hurry up. I wouldn't want to miss this party for the world.




Yes, finally I'm here.

OH MY GOD ,this house is huge. This isn't even a house this is a freaking mansion for crying out loud. You might be wondering why am I so over dramatic about this. Just imagine seeing mansions in movies and never seeing it in real life.
You see how I feel.

Wow, there are drunk teenagers all over the place. I can't even get through the door without a drunk pervert rubbing himself on me like seriously I'm not that sexy. I'm in a short fluffy, sparkly pink dress with no straps, and I'm also in a pink flats with my pink sparkly mask, yes I hate pink and he did say this was a costume party.
The only thing I want to do now is eat and find Jason I really want to tell him the truth or maybe I will wait.

I walk were the scent of food takes me and to my surprise it took me to a table of food. They have pizza and burgers,fruit punch ,beef ribs and other things but most of all I saw fruits apple, pineapples shaped out in hearts,star fruits and melons. This is so much better than the last party he had....wait did he do this for me, the last party he had I criticised him about having a party without real food and look at that he changed everything just for me, he's so....

"Hey, I knew you would come". I turn around to see Jason dressed as Doctor Who,(its a movie look it up),he's so cute in his black suit and red tie. He also has on an Italian sued shoes. He looks so cute right now and his eyes oh god I could take him right now and....
"Like what you see", he said with this charming smirk. Wait...he wasn't suppose to see me checking him out," I'm sorry I didn't mean to be ch....",he cut me off again,"don't worry about it, I'm use to it",he said smiling at me, and all I can do is stand and blush because right now my cheeks are so red.
"So want to dance or something", he said with this breath taken smile begging me to say yes," sure I'd love to",he took my hand and walked straight to the center of the dance floor,he then turned to the DJ and told him to play 'Unconditionally by Katey Perry',the DJ immediately changed the song. We started to dance. It felt ausom being here with him. To tell you the truth I have never danced with a someone yet so this is kinda new to me. "What do you say we speed it up a little" he said as it reached the chorus and I just nod my head following his lead.
He spun me around and caught me before I could fall, he dipped me and spun me again, I laughed when he did and I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. The song was then changed ,we let go of each other with a grin on our face. Ten feet away from each other we knew what we were going to do and this time it was a more upbeat song 'Just a Touch of Your love by little mix' ,started to play, GOD I love this song the first time I heard it.
He then smiled wider and turned to face me I then sent him a wink and then we did the most unbelievable thing ever.
I ran and jumped in his arms and he caught me and swung me in the air it was ausom. He then sat me on the floor and we started to do a little Mexican dance together hand in hand I started to sing the song and he was woed I guess it was because he didn't know I could sing. The song was coming to the end and we did a grand final. He took me up of my feet and I rapped my foot around his thick strong built hips and I rapped my hands around his neck and he then hold me close against his muscular body and smiled, I returned it with a very wide smile

He spun around making me very dizzy but it was worth it. He then put me down and stared in my eyes with his crystal blue eyes. I can't believe this is happening I'm falling deeply for him and I don't know what to do, should I tell him or I shouldn't ,I don't know what to do.

"I think I'm falling for you", he said.
" I think I'm falling for you too",I said. This is really happening I don't even know him that much and I'm already falling in love with him.

In no less than five seconds I heard everyone applauding us. I even heard some girls asking who am I. I took in my so surroundings and there was no one even 10 feet towards us. We were so caught up in dancing that the people had to clear out and stop dancing and watch us dance. I didn't even realize this was happening.

"I want to take you somewhere", he said and I wondered where that would be.

Awwwewww this is going great is it!!!!

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