What Should We Do?

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I woke up still on Justin’s chest he was awake watching TV. “Good morning baby.” He said kissing my head “Good morning.” I said “How do you feel today?” He asked “I think I’m better.” I said “Good because in a couple hours we are getting on a plane and heading to Panama.” He said

“Why?” I asked “Just to get away.” He said “Are you allowed to leave Miami?” I asked He smiled “I can do what I want.” He said with a wink. I smiled at him “Oh I just didn’t know about the court and stuff.” I said “It’s fine I’m not stuck here.” He said.

“So what are your plans Justin?” I asked “For what?” He asked looking at me. “I don’t know just what’s next for you are you coming home to L.A?”I asked “Well I figure I’ll spend a few days in Panama, go to Canada for a week or so then Mom and I are going to Atlanta to visit friends.” He said

“Oh that’ll be nice.” I said “Yeah what are your plans?”He asked “Well I can come to Panama for a couple days then when I get back to L.A I’m having lunch with Cailin.” I said “Russo?” He asked “Yeah, she’s coming to L.A and wanted to get together.”I said “Oh nice.”He said

“Yeah. Justin?” I asked looking up at him “Hmm?” He questioned still looking at the TV. “Playboy wants me to sign another contract.”I said. He turned off the TV “What?” He asked I sat up “Hef wants me to stay at the mansion.” I replied sitting up beside him.

“What do you want to do?” he asked “I don’t know, I told him I wanted to see where we stand first. I love what I do Justin and I’ve worked so hard to get there.” I said he nodded taking in what I was saying. “But I also love you but I can’t give up everything if we aren’t 100%.”

“Yeah I understand, look Aaliyah I love you but things are really tough right now and I’m having a hard time dealing with it Selena has been talking to me a lot and I’m a little confused. I know you are my everything and I open up to you more than I do anyone else but she also held a major part of my heart.”He said “I understand.” I said I took a breath and then said “So what should we do?”

“Honestly Aaliyah I have no idea.” He said grabbing my hand “Do you still want to be with me?” I asked “Of course I do.” He said “And do you want to be with Selena?” I asked in a very low tone looking down pulling on a string from the blanket. He took a deep breath.

 “Answer honestly.” I said he ran his fingers through his hair “Aaliyah I still have feelings for her.” He said “I know but do you want to be with her?” I asked “Right now no I want you.” He said “But you could change your mind.” I said looking up at him “I mean yeah there is always that possibility.” He said rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.

“So should we fight for this or give up? I want you happy Justin and if you choose her it is going to hurt… a lot but I’ll get back to work and I’ll find things to keep my mind off you and eventually it won’t hurt as bad so whatever you decide I’ll support it.” I said “Aaliyah forget about her for now it’s about you and me. I’m still figuring everything out in my head.” He said “Okay but Justin promise me if you change your mind and don’t want to be with me and you want her tell me as soon as you decide. You owe me that much.” I said “You’re right I do owe you that and I promise if I decide I want her I’ll tell you.” He said

“Thanks.” I said “Enough of that lets focus on us I haven’t even talked to her in like a week.” He said “Alright.” I said smiling.

I don’t know why I am choosing to stay with him even though he isn’t 100% sure what he wants maybe it’s just because love him so much and I really don’t want to lose him I have to prove to him that I’m the better choice for him because if I don’t she wins and she did exactly what she said.

My mind flashed back to before the movie premier when I met her.

“Selena if this is your way to get me to leave Justin it’s not happening.” I said

“No I would never ask you to do that.” She said “Then what are you asking Selena because I have no idea why you are telling me this.” I said “Aaliyah I’m going to get him back no matter how long it takes or what I have to do.” She said

“Okay maybe you don’t understand my relationship with Justin is perfect you aren’t coming between us.” I said

She looked at me “We’ll see.” She said wiping the tears from her eyes and taking sipping her water “Yeah we will see I love him and he loves me.” I said “But I love him too.” She said “Well you aren’t getting him you had your chance.” I said “Well everyone deserves a second chance.” She said

“Are you alright?”Justin asked I snapped out of my daze “Oh yeah I’m fine. I’m going to go get some orange juice do you want something?” I asked “Umm. Orange juice does sound good mind getting me a glass?” He asked “Sure.” I said with a smile I stood up Justin grabbed my thigh I turned back to him he came up to my face and kissed me hard running his fingers through my hair. Suddenly I forgot about everything.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine “Aaliyah no matter what I will always love you.” He said “And I will always love you too.” I said smiling.

I turned to walk away and Justin smacked my butt I turned and winked at him. I walked out of the room “Good morning everyone.” I said “Someone’s in a good mood.” Pattie said I smiled at her before walking into the kitchen.

Chantel was sitting at the island I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed two glasses then I filled them with orange juice. “Your dress is under the table.”She said in a dull tone I smiled at her “Good morning to you too.”I replied

“You know before you came back it was me who woke up beside him.” She said “Thanks for keeping my side of the bed warm.” I said with a smile. She rolled her eyes and I walked back to the bedroom.

I handed Justin his glass and sat down I pulled the blanket over my legs and took a sip of my orange juice. “We better get packing.” Justin said with a smiled.

We got up and began packing, after a few hours everyone was done packing we all met in the living room. “Panama here we come.” Scooter yelled and we headed to the airport.

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