Aw Someone Had A Crush.

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I finally arrived to the place where I grew up, after I became famous and got my first check I had a house built for my parents and grandparents. The driver pulled into the driveway and before I could get out my family ran outside. “We have missed you so much.” I mom said puling me out of the car and hugging me. “I know I’ve missed you too.” I said.

We all walked into the house and my dogs all ran up to me I was super happy because I get to take my two dogs, Phoenix and Baylor back to the mansion with me. I picked up Phoenix and she licked me and then I did the same with Baylor who is younger than Phoenix and she kissed me too. I put her back down and went to shower before dinner.

                After my shower I get dressed and hear my phone ringing “Hello?”I answered “Hey babe how was your trip?” Justin asked “It was good, I’m really tired. I took a shower now we are going have dinner.” I said “Sounds fun I miss you already and I wish I was there having dinner with you.”He said “I know I miss you too so much.” I said “Well I just woke up a little bit ago so I figured I’d check on you but I’ll let you go have dinner I love you babe.” He said “Okay I love you too. I’ll Text you before I go to sleep.”I said “Okay bye.” He said and we hung up

                I walked downstairs and I hugged my grandparents (they had a hard time adjusting to the life I had chose for myself but they have learned to not say anything because me decision wasn’t going to change) “We’ve missed you baby doll.” My Mamaw said “I know I’ve missed you guys too.” I replied.

We all sat down in the living room we aren’t really the “eat at the table” kind of family we’d rather watch TV. My dad made roast and potato’s they were amazing. We all talked about life and how we have all been doing, after eating I say “Well I am super tired so I’m going to go to bed.” I said They all said goodnight and I hugged them all.

                I got up to my room I forgot how obsessed I was over Justin I had posters of him covering one wall I’ll have to remember to take those down before he visits. I laid down, and I plugged my phone in then I texted Justin.

Aaliyah - Hey babe I’m about to go to bed goodnight I love you have a good show tonight.

Justin- Okay babe and thanks goodnight sweet dreams about me;)

Aaliyah- Oh that won’t be a problem I forgot I have like 60 posters of you in this room lol

Justin- Aww how cute;) someone had a crush.

Aaliyah- It was more of an obsession haha Idk what I was thinking;)

Justin- Oh I see how it is. Lol

Aaliyah- Jk babe I love you goodnight<3

Justin- Night babe I love you too!<3

I sat my phone on the stand beside my bed and stared at the posters never in a million years did I think I’d get lucky enough to be with the one person I wanted to be with the most. I mean I got lucky with getting my break with Playboy but I never imagined I’d get lucky twice, but I have and I couldn’t be happier. I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

                That night I had a dream that I was in a night club with Justin and my family was there then Justin’s dad was in the parking lot smoking weed with some big biker guys and Justin got really mad and he started chasing after some guy in the club my sister distracted my Mamaw from what was about to happen and I chased after him screaming it wasn’t worth it and somehow I managed to grab a hold of him and pull him into a booth I grabbed a hold of his face and said “Justin you know it’s not worth it.” And then I woke up It was so weird I don’t know what it meant at all maybe nothing at all who knows.

                I spent most of the morning watching TV and talking with my papaw we are super close and it’s weird not being with him all the time. I promised my sister I would take her shopping today we went to a huge shopping center out of town. We had a great time we went to lunch and we shopped a lot and we only got stopped a couple of times for me to get pictures and sign autographs.

Once we were about to go home my sister Tori says “Can’t I just come back with you?” “Sorry sweetie you’re still in school and you can’t go anywhere until you finish.” I said “I know but it sucks I miss you.” She said “I know I miss you too.” I said “Thanks for bringing me shopping today.” She said “You’re welcome.” I said.

                We finally made it home I pack up all my things and walk downstairs “Okay guys it’s time for me to head back.” I said, they tried to convince me to stay but they all knew in the end I had to go. I hugged them all and kissed them and we all said our goodbyes. I got in the car and headed to the airport to bored Hef’s jet he sent the jet so I could bring back the dogs.

After getting them settled down we headed on the long journey to California. It was great seeing my family but I miss home but even more I miss Justin but sadly he won’t be there once I return. I must have fell asleep on the jet because I woke up as the jet was landing. Some mansion staff met me at the airport and packed my bags and dogs into the car and we were finally on our way to the mansion!

One Lucky GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora