I'm Glad You've Found Justin.

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I sat in Papaw’s room and we talked and watched TV for about an hour “Aaliyah?” He asked “Yeah?” I said “I’m so proud of you for all you’ve accomplished! And I’m so proud of the woman you are today, Aaliyah you are such a great person and you are always yourself you never let anyone change you.” He said I began to tear up “Thank you!” I said “Really I’m proud of you and I’m glad you found Justin I know you really like him and I hope he treats you right Aaliyah I’m not going to be around forever and you need to be taken care of.” He said

“Justin is great papaw but don’t worry I can take care of myself if things with Justin don’t work out.” I said laying my head on his shoulder. “I know you can you’re tough but someone being there is always a plus.” He said “Yeah I know I love you.” I said “I love you too babe.”He said I sat with him a little longer before saying “Well Papaw I have to go now I’ll be back to see you tomorrow you get some sleep.” “Okay babe See you tomorrow I love you.” He said “I love you too.” I said before walking out into the lobby, I told my family I was staying with Justin and I would be back tomorrow afternoon before Justin’s show. Justin had a driver come get me so I could just leave my car at the hospital.

On the way to the hotel I called my friend Lucy “Hey girl are you and Ava ready for tomorrow?” I asked “Yeah we are so excited! How’d you even get tickets for the show?” She asked “I have connections.” I said giggling “Right it’s a playboy thing.” She said “Yeah you could say that.”I said laughing “Alright well I’ll see you guys in the morning bye babe love you.” I said “Love you too.” She said before hanging up the phone.

We arrived at the hotel and I went in through the back entrance and straight up to Justin’s Suite. I knocked gently and the door swung open I smiled “Geeze were you waiting on me?” I asked “Yes!” He said picking me up and shutting the door with his foot before carrying me over to the couch. He laid me down and laid down on top of me.

“I’ve missed you so much.”He said as he began to kiss my neck “I’ve missed you too baby but why are you so eager?” I asked “I don’t know.” He said removing his lips from my skin. He looked me in the eyes and said “I just really want you right now.” Adding a slight growl to the end; “I mean if you don’t want to.” He added I pulled him closer closing the gap between us “No I want to… I just have a lot on my mind.” I said “Let me make you forget about it for a little bit baby.” He said as he began to kiss my neck.

I nodded slightly closing my eyes feeling him kiss all over me. He took off my shirt and began kissing my stomach moving lower before he took of my pants and underwear. He kissed every inch of my thighs I arched my back awaiting to feel his tongue on me. He started licking me and my brain forgot about everything for a while.

“Oh god Justin!” I said brushing my finger through his hair. He smirked and wrapped his arms around my thighs pulling himself closer to me. He moved his tongue faster hitting every spot I felt a rush come through my body I grabbed the sheets preparing for what was to come. He lifted up my lower half resting it on top of his hands this new angle made me feel something I’ve never felt my body began to shake as his tongue continued inside me “Oh yes!” I yelled out arching my back and almost ripping the sheets.

Once my body was done shaking he kissed back up my stomach. “I love you Aaliyah.” He said “I love you too Justin.” I said. He rolled off of me and turned on the TV. “What are you doing?” I asked “Watching TV.” He said I rolled over and ran my hand over his abs slowly “I thought we were gonna do something else.” I said biting my lip He glanced down at me with a smirk and said “I didn’t think you’d want to.”

“Oh I definitely want to… I just can’t get enough of you Bieber.” I said kissing up him stomach before reaching his lips I whispered “Please.” He quickly rolled me onto my back and kissed me he pulled away and said “You don’t have to ask me twice although it’s pretty cute when you beg.” I giggled “I’ve missed you Justin.” I said “I know I’ve missed you too.” He said

He kissed me as he grinded his lower half against me causing me to moan slightly he smirked against my lips “Feel good?” He asked “Don’t tease me.” I said “Who me… never.” He said smirking I laughed and he kissed me again then he entered me slowly I let out my breath as I took in every inch of him. “Oh Justin.” I half whispered into his neck. He thrusted in and out of me and it was amazing. He leaned down and kissed me. He thrusted faster I felt myself tighten “Oh baby.” He said kissing my neck “I’m so close Justin” I said “Me too baby!” He said kissing me again.

He thrusted with all of his force and went in as far as he could “Oh Yes” I screamed out as my orgasm ripped through my body He finished along with me then he kissed my neck before laying his head on my chest “That was amazing Aaliyah.” He said “Yes It was.” I said playing with his hair “I love you.” He said “I love you too.” I replied

There was a knock at the door, he rolled off of me and slipped on a pair of sweat pants and I hurried up and put on sweats and a t-shirt shoving our other clothes under the bed. Justin went over and opened the door. It was Dustin “Hey sorry for bugging you I was just making sure you Aaliyah made it here and you guys were alright.” He said “Oh yeah we’re fine just about to go to bed.” Justin replied

“Okay good well goodnight.” Dustin said “Goodnight man.”Justin said “Thanks for checking on us.” I said “No problem.” He said before walking out Justin shut the door and walked back over to me and laid down beside me laying his head on my chest

“I love you baby. And I can’t wait to meet your friends tomorrow” He said “I love you too and yeah me neither, they think I got tickets through playboy they have no idea… They are going to freak out.” I said laughing. He smiled at me “Well we better get some sleep we have a long day ahead of us.” He said “Okay goodnight babe I love you” I said “I love you too baby sweet dreams.” He said leaning up and kissing me.

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