The Door Is Always Open.

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I woke up and stretched enjoying the quiet in the house; I rolled over and turned my phone on. It started up and then texts and missed calls rang in like crazy.

I immediately saw Pattie’s name flash on my screen she called at like 6 in the morning. It had to be an emergency I dialed her number as fast as I could. She answered in a panic “Aaliyah?” She asked “Yeah Pattie what’s wrong?” I asked worried

“Aaliyah Justin was…” She paused “Justin was what?” I asked “He was arrested this morning.” She said you could hear in her voice that she had been crying “For what?” I asked in confusion.

“It’s complicated, family is calling me I’ll get a hold of you assoon as I get a chance. Call Scooter he can explain it all to you.” She said “Okay bye pattie.”I said. “Good bye hunny.”She said hanging up.

I began getting texts of Justin’s mug shot, I closed them and called Scooter.

“Hello Aaliyah I’m kind of busy.” He said sounding frustrated “I’m sorry Pattie called me but she didn’t get a chance to tell me what’s going on.” I said “I’m sorry kid things are really crazy I’m trying to figure it all out the police report is posted you can look it up. But basically he’s being charged with DUI, resisting arrest and driving without a valid license. He has a court hearing in a few hours. Aaliyah I don’t know what to do.” He said taking a deep breath he was on the verge of crying I could tell. “Scooter just take a breath we’ll get through this I promise.” I said

“Thanks Aaliyah I’ll call you as soon as I hear something they are playing the court case on TV I guess. Justin called me he was a mess he could barely talk he was crying and scared you could hear it in his voice.” He said “Alright I’ll watch it. Are you going down there… to Miami?” I asked “I think we’re going to get a group together. Aaliyah you should come.” He said

“I don’t know we haven’t talked for a months and he was with that Chantel girl at the club.” I said “Come on Aaliyah he might think Chantel is what he wants he met her in the club last night but she is clearly just someone to get his mind off things he needs you Aaliyah. When he called one thing he said was ‘Don’t tell Aaliyah.’” He said “He doesn’t want you to hate him Aaliyah.” Scooter added.

 I paused a moment taking in his words.”What else did he say?” I asked “I think you should talk to him about that.” He said “That’s why you should come to Miami with us.” He added “I’ll think about it let me know the details.” I said “I will. Talk to you soon the lawyer is calling.” He said “Alright bye, Scooter remember to breath.” I said he took a deep breath then he hung up.

I looked up the police report and I began to read it, apparently Justin got a little vulgar when it came to language he definitely used words you should never use to a cop. I kept reading then my door flew open “Aaliyah.”Crystal and Kendall said in unison they froze when they saw I was already up.

“I already heard.” I said looking at them “I’m so sorry.” Kendall said sitting next to me on the bed “It’s alright I just got off the phone with his mom and Scooter.” I said “How is he doing?” Crystal asked “Justin?” I asked “Yeah.” She said “Scooter said he’s sort of a mess right now.” I said “I bet he is I would be too.” Kendall said.


We sat and watched the court hearing, seeing Justin in that orange jail suite made me feel sick to my stomach he looked cool and collected but you could tell by the look in his eyes he was scared out of his mind, bond was set at $2,500.

My phone rang about 30 minutes after the court hearing it was Scooter. “Hello?” I answered “Hey Aaliyah, He’s getting released in about half an hour.” Scooter said “Alright good how is he?” I asked “He’s better he got to call again and we set up arrangements for a car to get him.” He said

“Okay good.” I said “Yeah Me, Usher, Pattie, and Ryan are going down we are leaving tomorrow night please tell me you thought about it and you’re coming with us.” He said I sat without saying a word for a couple minutes “Aaliyah?” Scooter questioned “Yeah, sorry I’ll come.” I said

“Good we’re meeting at the airport at 8:00 tomorrow night.” He said “Why so late?” I asked “Trying to avoid as much attention as possible.” He said “Alright I’ll see you then.” I said “Okay bye Aaliyah.”He said hanging up.

“So are you going to Miami?” Kendall asked “Yeah we are leaving tomorrow night.” I replied “Good luck Aaliyah talk some sense into him.” She said smiling “I’m gonna try.” I replied


I woke up its 8:00, I rolled over grabbing onto phoenix and cuddling her, and I rubbed her belly and kissed her head “Good morning baby girl.” I said she licked my nose. I turned on my phone and got up; I walked over to my closet and began packing a bag. I packed for about an hour and a half because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to pack.

Once I finally finished packing and my phone began ringing I walked over to my bed and grabbed it. It was Pattie I answered “Hello?” “Hey Aaliyah, We’ve decided to head out there earlier will you be ready to meet us at 2?” She asked “Yeah sure why are we going earlier?” I asked

“Ushers arranged a private jet for us and Ryan got in earlier than expected.” She said “Oh okay Pattie do you think it’s a good idea that I come with you guys?” I asked “Yes Aaliyah. I think he needs to see you maybe it will make him rethink everything.” She said “Because he won’t listen to any of us.” She added “Okay thanks Pattie, well I’ll see you soon.” I said “Alright hunny goodbye.” She said “Bye Pattie.” I said

I walked down to Hef and Crystal’s room and knocked on the door. “Come in.” Hef said I walked in “Good morning Aaliyah.” He said “Good morning.” I said sitting next to him on the bed. “How are you?” He asked “I’m alright, how are you?” I asked “Good, So what are you doing?” He asked “I just wanted to let you know the plan.” I said “Alright fire away.” He said smiling

 “Okay I’m going to Miami for a few days maybe a week, Then I might stop by home and visit family then I’ll be back. By then I should know exactly what’s going on with my life and I’ll let you know if I’m staying here.” I said “Alright Aaliyah take your time even if it’s longer than a week and figure yourself out and come back when you’re ready the door is always open.” He said “Thanks Hef.” I said hugging him.

“No problem just be careful out there and do what makes you happy don’t worry about making everyone else happy.” He said I smiled at him “Well it’s about time to leave I love you Hef.” I said “I love you too doll.” He said

I went back to my room and grabbed my suitcase and picked up phoenix and gave her a kiss “Bye baby I’ll be back soon.” I said, she licked me and I sat her back down on the bed. I walked downstairs and Kendall was in the living room. “Are you leaving?” She asked “Yeah, Can you keep Phoenix company?” I asked “Yeah sure. Call me if you need anything.” She said “Alright Thanks Kendall.” I said

I walked out to the car and the driver put my bag in the trunk, he then took me to the jet. I got out of the car and Ryan walked over to me “Hey Aaliyah how are you doing?” He asked “I’m fine, how are you?” I asked “I’m alright.” He said “Good. So are you ready for this trip?” I asked “Yeah he needs us are you ready?” He asked “Not really.” I said as we walked up the ramp onto the jet “It will be fine I’m here for you and we’ll get him through this.” He said “Thanks Ryan you’re a great friend.” I said

We soon saw Usher, Pattie, and Scooter sitting in their seats “Okay we’re all here, let’s get going.” Scooter said. Usher told the pilot we were ready, Ryan and I sat down. I took a deep breath as the jet began to move Pattie put her hand on my leg “It’s going to be alright we’ll all get through this together.” She said I smiled at her, And we began our trip to Miami.

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