I Have To Go Help Him.

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The first two shows in London were great Justin had a break yesterday we stayed at the hotel and watched movies with the boys. There were a lot of rumors going around about Justin but we all tried to ignore it. I know it’s getting to Justin though he seems good but I know somewhere inside he is ready to burst.

                We are at the O2 Arena for the third night and Justin has been complaining about being short of breath Carly is performing she just went on stage. Justin is laying on the couch in his dressing room with his head on my lap I put a wet washcloth on his face to relax him. He is refusing to seek medical care because he is afraid they will tell him he can’t perform tonight and he doesn’t want to do that to his fans. Scooter walks in “How is he?” He asks

“He is still having trouble but he doesn’t want to see a doctor because he is afraid they won’t let him perform. But I made him promise to go to the doctor after the concert.” I said “Okay good, Hey kid Carly is about done you wanna go finish getting ready?” He asked “Yeah.” Justin said slowly getting up. I put my arms around his waist as we walk over to have the stylist do the last touch up to his hair. He sits down in the chair and keeps a tight grip on my hand as the stylist finishes up.

“You ready JB?” Jaden asks coming from around the corner. “Yeah.” He says getting up from the chair we get in the prayer circle and Scooter prays “God we thank you for allowing all of us to be here and we pray for a great show and we pray for you to give Justin the strength to finish this show so we can get him to a doctor in Jesus name we pray Amen.” We all said amen we do the chant and Justin does his best to get pumped up by jumping around and yelling.

He finally get harnessed into the wings and takes off. He get about half way through the concert, he begins singing beauty and a beat. He is doing great and then all of a sudden you can see the change in pace his dancing begins to slow and he almost falls down I watched him as he bends down to take a breath I take off running about to run on stage when Alfredo grabs me “You can’t go out there.” He said pulling me back “I need to go get him off stage.” I yelled “Just sit down we will get him.” He said

I watched as Justin stumbled making his way back stage luckily a dancer noticed him stumbling and helped him backstage. Justin collapsed once he got through the curtain, security called for a paramedic. I ran over to him and yelled his name as I burst into tears Scooter runs over and kneels down beside me “The venues paramedics are on the way.” He said

He gently tried to wake up Justin “Justin can you hear me?” He asked there was no response he was still breathing though. It seemed like the paramedics took forever and the longer he didn’t respond the more tears fell from my eyes. The paramedics finally get Justin to wake up after only 10 minutes; it was the longest 10 minutes of my life. He was able to stand up now.

Alfredo came over to Scooter and I “You should go tell the crowd what’s going on. The paramedics said he shouldn’t finish the show but he insists on finishing for the fans.” He said “Okay, Jaden want to come out with me?” He asks “Yeah sure man.” He said

They walk out of the curtain and you can hear the crowd screaming and then Scooter begins to explain what is happening and he says that Justin is going against the paramedic’s advice but he is going to finish he show if they can be patient with him. Then Jaden says some stuff and they come back stage.

Alfredo took me away because I was crying so hysterically but now I am feeling better and he says I can go check on Justin. I walk over to Justin and sit down beside him “Are you okay?” I ask rubbing his back “Yeah I still don’t feel 100% but I have to finish the show.” He said “Are you sure you can finish?” I ask “Yeah. Aaliyah I can’t let them down.” He said “I know I just want you to be okay.” I said

After he was finally feeling better enough to finish the show he returns on stage and finishes. He apologizes to the fans, and they most of them leave happy, and those who didn’t shouldn’t have been there in the first place in my opinion. He comes off stage and Scooter says we need to get on the bus and go to the hospital so I guess that’s what we are doing when Scooter is here he is in charge. We get on the bus and Justin lies down on the couch “You okay?” I ask “For now. Are you okay? Jaden said you were crying.” He said reaching over to grab my hand “Yeah, I was really scared.” I said rubbing my thumb across his knuckles. “I know me too.” He half whispered looking away from me.

We finally arrive to the hospital and they get all of Justin information and get him into a room. We sit there waiting for a doctor “do you feel hot? I’m burning up.” He said “No I’m comfortable. Pull your gown down a little.” I said. He did then he put his headphones on after a few minutes of sitting there “Can you take my picture I want to Instagram it.”He said I laughed “Yeah sure.” I say taking his phone and taking the picture. He posts it with a caption saying “Gettin better listening to Janice Joplin” I giggle “You’re listening to Janice Joplin?” I ask “Yeah wanna listen?” He asks “No thanks, I’m good.” I say raising my eyebrows at him.

The doctor comes in and takes Justin down for testing they take him in a wheelchair so he doesn’t pass out I guess. I wait for about 20 minutes then he comes back into the room. The nurse helps him back into bed the doctor sits down “Okay we want to keep you overnight for observation and you can go home in the morning.” He says to Justin before looking up at Scooter.

 “Okay that is fine thank you doctor.” He says shaking his hand before he leaves. “Well kid looks like you’re here until morning. Get some rest.” Scooter says “Okay. Why don’t you guys go get some sleep?” He says “No I wanna stay with you.” I said “Babe I’ll be fine you can’t sleep in this hospital chair all night go sleep at the hotel and I’ll be there in the morning as soon as the doctors release me.” He said “Okay.” I say with a pouty face.

“I love you.” He says with a big smile “I love you too.” I say leaning down and kissing him. “I’ll see you in the morning.” I said “Bye babe sleep good.” He said before Scooter closes the door behind us.

“Do you think he is okay?” I asked Scooter “I don’t know I hope so! I’m sure he is just stressed.” He says.”Yeah me too.” We get on the bus and head to the hotel, once we arrive, Alfredo walks with me to the room. “Thanks Fredo Goodnight.”I say hugging him “Goodnight Aaliyah, Sleep tight.” He said “I’ll try, you too.”I said before walking into the room. I get changed and lay down in the big bed wishing Justin was beside me, who am I kidding I’m not going to get any sleep tonight.

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