Instead of Saying It Why Don't You Show Me.

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We arrived at the venue and snuck in through the back Justin’s security met us and took us to Justin’s dressing room. We walked in and no one was in here so we just sat down on the couch and waited for Justin.

We sat there for about 15 or 20 minutes until Fredo walked in he looked surprised to see us. He looked at me with an apologetic look on his face “Aaliyah I am so sorry.” He said “For what?” I asked “I didn’t mean to but I accidently told Justin about the party.” He said “Gosh can no one keep their mouths shut I made a business decision Hef expected me to be there I had no other choice.”I said I stood up and walked out of the room slamming the door behind me.

I ran right into Justin “Oh sorry I didn’t see you there” I said he looked at me with no expression on his face “We need to talk.” He said I gently nodded my head. He walked into the dressing room “Hey can Aaliyah and I be alone?” He asked “Sure man.” Fredo said grabbing Kendall’s hand and walking out of the dressing room. “Justin look...” I started “No Aaliyah you look I don’t know if I can do this. I can’t sit around and hear from other people that you had sex with someone else.” He said in a loud tone

 “I was going to tell you but I didn’t want that to be the first thing I say to you after not seeing you for like 2 months.” I said “That doesn’t make it any better. I don’t know if I can do this Aaliyah” He yelled

“Justin please stop yelling.” I said in a low tone looking at the floor “Look Aaliyah I just need some time to think.” He said lowering his voice a little. “Okay.” I said trying my best to not let a tear fall. I looked into his eyes “I’ll see you later let me know when you want to talk about this.” I said standing up and walking towards the door “Aaliyah you don’t have to leave. I really didn’t want to do this before I go on stage.” He said “No it’s fine we’ll talk later. I screwed up but it was something I had to do to keep my job Justin but here isn’t the time or place to talk about this.” I said opening the door.

I walked down the hallway “Aaliyah?” Justin yelled from the doorway of his dressing room. I didn’t want to do this here so I kept walking. I jumped a little when I heard Justin slam his dressing room door. I walked around the corner and I leaned up against the wall and gently slid down so I was sitting and laid my head on my knees and I let all my emotions out.

“Aaliyah?” I heard a voice say I looked up and saw Scooter I quickly got up and wiped my face. “What’s wrong?” He asked “Oh nothing I just have something in my eye.” I said beginning to stand up and walk away “Hey hold on.” He said walking over to me “Really Aaliyah what’s wrong?” He asked placing his hand on my shoulder. I sighed

 “Justin is mad at me I did something that others see as wrong but I did it so I didn’t lose everything it was sort of a business decision. Hef expects one thing from me and Justin expects a whole other thing. Scooter these two worlds don’t collide and I don’t know what to do I can’t lose him.” I said starting to cry again he hugged me

“Aaliyah you aren’t going to lose him I’m sure whatever you did isn’t that bad Justin is probably just over reacting.” He said “Scooter I kind of had sex with Hef but it wasn’t just me it was all the girls It’s just what we do its sort of a job requirement if I wouldn’t have I could have missed out on this opportunity to come here and do the shoot.” I said “Stop worrying Aaliyah I’ll talk to Justin.” He said I hugged him tighter “Thanks so much Scooter you’re a great guy.” I said

“Are you going to fuck him too?” I heard a voice say from behind me I turned to see Justin standing there with his arms crossed leaning up against the wall. “Hey that’s enough… your angry and I get it but you need to chill. Have some respect for her Justin.” Scooter yelled Justin’s eyes widened at Scooters sudden outburst. "I’m sorry.” Justin replied “Don’t tell me… tell her.” Scooter said then he walked away.

“I’m sorry Aaliyah.” Justin said I nodded my head. “We have to talk about this Justin. I’ll see you back at the hotel we’ll talk then.” I said turning around and opening the door to walk out “Why don’t you stay for the show and we’ll talk after.”He said walking over to me and grabbing my hand off the door handle letting the door shut.

I turned to face him and a tear fell from my eye he took his thumb and wiped it away “Don’t cry.” He said pulling me into a hug “I’m just upset Aaliyah.” He said rubbing my back “I know and I shouldn’t have put you in this position our worlds don’t combine easily Justin and things are only going to get harder.” I said

“We will deal with that stuff when it comes let’s just forget about everything for the night just like nothing happened we’ll deal with this tomorrow. Just please don’t cry baby.” He said

“I’m sorry Justin for everything.” I said “Instead of telling me how sorry you are why don’t you show me, after the show tonight just you and me.” He said I smiled at him “I think I can do that.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He looked at me with hesitation he didn’t know whether to kiss me or just hug me. He finally went in for a kiss thank god because I was getting nervous. I kissed him back with more passion than usual. He pulled away “Well I have to go I can’t be late.” He said “Okay I’ll see you after the show.” I said.

I hate acting like nothing happened because we need to discuss it I need to tell him my side and why I did it. But I also don’t want to argue and if he wants to forget about it then I’ll drop it until he is ready wants to bring it up again, so we’re starting over for the night.

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