Rememeber That When You're With Her.

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I woke up and took a shower and got dressed, and then I went in to wake up Justin. I gently shook him “Justin are you still going with me today to the shoot?” I asked “Yeah, What time is it?” He asked? “10:00” I replied “Oh, okay we still have plenty of time. Come lay with me.” He said.

I walk over and lay down beside him he grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. “You’re beautiful.” He said. “Thanks. Why are you doing this?” I asked “I just don’t want you worrying about today.” He said “I’m not, I am fine.” I said reassuring him.

 I rolled over on top of him and kissed him. He kissed back immediately I brought my hand up from his shoulder to his hair and gently tugged at the ends causing him to moan a little.

The make out session became more intense as he began to pull my shirt over my head. With one swift motion he rolled over so he was on top. He removed his lips from mine and placed them on my neck. I used my hands to massage his shoulders as he kissed me softly. As things grew more intense Justin’s phone rang, “Just let it go.” He said and he kissed down my stomach. “Justin, It could be important.” I said as I reached for his phone. I was right it was Scooter.

“Hello?” Justin said “Hey kid, I’ve got some big plans for you any chance you’d wanna fly out to New York tomorrow? I haven’t scheduled anything yet but I talked to a few people and I can get you on with Jimmy Fallon and I’ve arranged to get you a spot on Saturday Night Live as the host and musical guest.” He said “Umm. Yeah man that’d be great.” Justin said. “Okay I’ll get everything set up then you’ll fly out tomorrow and be there until Sunday afternoon. Is that cool?” “Uhh. Yeah.” Justin said “You don’t sound too sure.” Scooter said

 “I just promised to hang out with Aaliyah for the rest of the week while we were here.” Justin said. I looked at him and whispered “Justin It’s fine don’t worry about me.” He shushed me.

“Well kid we are taking risks here but she can fly out with you but no being seen together in public. Got it?” Scooter said “Yeah man I promise. Scooter thank you.” He said “no problem she can hang out with me while you do your interviews and stuff.” Scooter said “Okay man, see you soon.” He said hanging up the phone.

“So where are we going?” I asked “New York.” Justin said smiling “We fly out tomorrow afternoon.” “Okay, and since there are no public appearances allowed I won’t tell Hef.” I said. “Okay.” He said. “Well we better get going I have a shoot in 30 minutes.” I said “Man things were just getting good.” He whispered against my ear. I kissed him one last time and moved out from under him. I put my shirt back on and Justin got dressed, and we headed for the studio.

We arrived at the studio at about 11:45. We walked in and the receptionist just started at us. “Hello is Andrew here?” I asked “Um. Yeah sorry I’ll get him.” She said. She got up and walk back to Andrew’s office. Justin and I sat down she was gone about 5 minutes. “Hello Darling.” I hear the familiar voice of Andrew.

“Hello. This is Justin” I said “Oh I know who he is.” Andrew said with a smile. “Hello It’s nice to meet you.” Justin said. “So you ready?” Andrew asked. We walked back and he had his stylists do my hair and makeup. I see Justin talking to Andrew while I’m getting ready.

“Okay let get this done.” I said walking over to Andrew and Justin. “You look great.” Justin said. “Why thank.” I said kissing his cheek.

 I walked over to Andrew “Ready?” He asked “Yepp.” I said. I took off my robe and lay down on the bed. It had pink silk sheets and red pillows. I lay down and Andrew comes over and fixes my pearl necklace to it drapes down my chest. I looked over to see Justin staring at me smiling while leaning up against the wall.

I smile at him and then look at the camera. I did like 20 different poses in different scenes “You look great your smile is so real.” He said “Well I have a lot to smile about.” I said while looking at Justin, he returned the smile and walked over behind Andrew. Andrew showed Justin the pictures while I was changing.

I walk over and wrap my arms around Justin’s waist he put an arm around my neck and we looked at the pictures. “You two seem awfully touchy for being just friends.” Andrew said. “Yeah, It’s a secret Andrew if Hef finds out I’m dead and I’m so out of the mansion.” I said “Yes but you could always come on tour with me” Justin said looking at me “Yeah I know but I’m not going to depend on you for everything I like making my own money.” I said

“I’ll pay you.” Justin said “Oh god shut up.” I said giggling and pushing him away. We walked into the dressing room to get my things. It was almost 2:00 Justin called Selena and told her he would meet her at the Café instead of the hotel. She agreed although you could tell she was upset.  She clearly wanted to get him alone in his hotel room which I’m not going to let happen.

“Well babe I’m going to go meet her.” He said kissing my forehead. I shoved him against the wall and kissed him hard and passionately. “Remember that when you’re with her today.” I said. He smiled and said “I’m not going to fall for her again baby don’t worry.” “Okay I love you.” I said “I love you too, Goodbye.” He said and he walked out of the dressing room and out of the studio.

I decide to go to the mall while Justin is away. I shop for about an hour and a half then I decide to go back to the hotel. I call for the car and tell the driver to take me back to the hotel. Once we arrive at the hotel I get out of the car and of course I’m mobbed by the paparazzi

“We just caught Justin with Selena how do you feel.” “They were pretty close almost holding hands.” “We saw them kissing.” I pushed through them while they yelled these absurd things. Justin should be coming back soon. I didn’t want to text him and make him think I was checking up on him so I decided to go up to his room. Since this was our last night here I planned something special. Valentine’s Day is coming soon and we probably won’t get to be together so why not celebrate early. I walk into the bathroom and ran water I decorated with candles and roses. It may be corny but I think it’s cute. I have room service bring up dinner I ordered 2 steak dinners. I tell them to bring it up in 2 hours.  

I take off my clothes and lay down in the hot bath waiting for Justin. After laying there for about 15 minutes I hear the door unlock and open. But instead of Justin’s voice I hear Selena’s.

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