Tired Of Sneaking Around.

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“What?” I said looking at him in confusion “I’m tired of sneaking around Aaliyah, I want to be able to have you any time I want. I want to be able to hold your hand in pubic and kiss you on the beach with a thousand cameras taking out picture because it doesn’t matter we don’t have to hide.” He said grabbing my hands in his. “I know Justin but its complicated if I tell I won’t be able to live at the mansion anymore he probably won’t want me in the magazine anymore.” I said

 “Aaliyah Hef loves you I know I he will still want you in the magazine, and as far as not living at the mansion forget about that I have this whole house to myself and you can come on tour with me. I can take care of you Aaliyah” He said looking deeply into my eyes. “Justin I don’t want to be taken care of I want to be able to do it on my own.” I said “But isn’t Hef sort of taking care of you?” He said “Yeah but I work for all of it.” I said “Hef is still friends with Kendra right?” He asked

 “Yes why?” I wondered “Well she was sneaking around with Hank while she lived at the mansion.” He said “Yeah but she was there for like3 years before she met Hank. I have only been there like a year and a half.” I said “It’s up to you Aaliyah I just really wish you’d consider it.” He said dropping my hands.

He turned around to walk out “wait.” I said my mind was racing and I have no idea if I’m doing the right thing but I love Justin. He turned back around “Let me talk to Kendra and if she thinks it’s a good idea I’ll tell Hef.” I said he walked back over and hugged me “But there is one thing will you come with me to talk to him?” I asked while hugging him. “Okay but you’ll have to do it quick we are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow.” He said Oh man I didn’t realize it’d be that quick. “Okay I’ll go call Kendra now.”I said. He kissed me “I love you!” He whispered in my ear as he hugged me “I love you too.”

I walked upstairs to Justin’s room and I sat down on the bed. I dialed Kendra’s number after a few rings she answered “Hey what’s up.” “Hey nothing much I just really need some advice.” I said lying back on the bed “Okay what’s wrong?” She asked “Okay so you know about Justin and I.” I said “Yeah.” She said in confusion “Okay well he wants me to come clean with Hef and tell him we’ve been seeing each other. What do you think I should do” I said

“Oh I see well honestly after I told Hef about Hank and I, I felt so much better we didn’t have to hide we could be ourselves. The hardest part is going to be not having everything handed to you like at the mansion.” She said “Yeah, I just really don’t want Hef to be mad at me I have only been there for a year and a half.” I said “Aaliyah he will understand and besides he has Crystal, It’s not like you are his wife.” She said laughing. “I know I just feel bad.” I said

“You’ll feel better once you tell him and you and Justin can be together whenever you want.” She said “Yeah I guess you’re right.” I said “So when are you going to tell him?”She asked “Well Justin and his family leave for vacation tomorrow. So I have to do it soon.” I said “Okay Aaliyah don’t worry Hef will understand.” She reassured me. “Okay thanks Kendra goodbye.” And with that I hung up the phone

I lay on the bed for a few minutes before I heard the door open I sat up to see Justin standing in the door way. “Hey.” I said “Hey.” He said as he walked over and sat beside me. “So she thinks I should tell him but I think I need to do it on my own.” I said “Okay that’s fine babe, whatever you want to do.” He said

 I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around my waist “I just hope I’m making the right decision.” I said “Aaliyah if you have any doubt at all don’t do it, I want you to be 100% sure about this before you do it.”He said

“I don’t have doubt in us I’m just scared of losing everything that I have worked so hard for, Playboy was the only thing I ever wanted to do.” I said “I know don’t let me talk you into it Aaliyah.” He said grabbing my hands “I know I’m going to do it only because the only thing I want more than Playboy is you.” I said He grabbed both sides of my face “I love you Aaliyah.” He said then he kissed me

“Aaliyah?” I hear a little voice say from the door way, I break away from Justin to see Jazzy standing in the doorway.”You promised to play with me.” She said “You’re right I did.” I stood up and walked over to her she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room.

I sat down on the floor with her and we played with her Barbie’s, we played for about two hours I looked down at my phone. “Jazzy I have to go sweetie.” I said “No I like playing with you.” She said “I know I like playing with you too I’ll try my best to come over tomorrow before you leave okay?” I said “Okay Goodbye.” She said hugging me. I said goodbye to Jaxon who was playing with his cars.

I walked downstairs and into the living room I sat down next to Justin “Did you have fun?” He asked “Yeah we played with her Barbie’s the whole time.” I said giggling. “Oh fun.” He said “Yeah well I better get going if I’m going to talk to Hef.” I said “Okay babe.” He said “Call me after you tell him.”

“Okay I will.” I said I stood up “I had a great time tonight. Thank you for dinner but I have to go.” I said Pattie stood up and hugged me “Justin told me you’re going to talk to Hef, Good luck!” She said squeezing me tight “Thank you.”I said I hugged everyone else and said goodbye “I’ll walk you out.” Justin said

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