Chapter 30 - Isabella's Legacy

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Isabella's POV

Grrrrrrr...Grrrrrrrrrrrr...repetitive gurgling woke me as my stomach was in a fit of despair at its emptiness. Feeling Prince's arms pull me toward him, he mumbled, "Sounds like someone needs a little nourishment. I can definitely arrange that." Slowly grabbing his cell from the nightstand, he called downstairs. Kissing my shoulder and stretching his lean muscles after our late slumber.

"Yeah good morning Zelda. How are you this morning?"

I could hear Zelda, "Oooooh Mr. Nelson it is a beautiful day a gorgeous day. What can I do for you and Mrs. Nelson?"

"My wife and I would so appreciate some of your delicious cooking this morning."

"Would you like something in particular? Or would you like for me to surprise you?"

"Oooooh a surprise would be lovely Zelda."

Her loud chuckle brought a smile to both of our faces, "I can do that...I can do that. Would you like it served off the balcony of your bedroom?"

"Zelda that would be lovely."

"Alright now...I will see you soon."

Throwing his phone down on the backside of the lightweight comforter, he snuggled back in nuzzling into my neck.

"What time is it?" I asked lazily.

Feeling his neck rise a bit to see the clock, "10:32...we needed some quiet Isabella. No baby girls cry'in, no Thad bumbling down the hall like a neanderthal and no Sebastian trying to scoot his little skinny butt between us in bed. Just you and me."

His hands grew tighter around my waist as he whispered, "You still forgive my arrogance and thoughtless words last night?"

"I do."

"Thank you pretty girl. Can Daddy show you how much he appreciates your absolution?"

"I don't think that's a good idea with Zelda arriving soon, do you?"

"Well I could always grab the cart or tray at the door so that she wouldn't have to enter our bedroom. Would that make you feel better?"

Twisting to turn toward him he tightened his grip on me so I shared my feelings. "You think it's wise for you to answer our bedroom door with a pitched tent, flushed face, labored breathing and disheveled appearance?"

"Oh my plan was to focus on you though my darling."

"Please...are you saying you don't become amorous by pleasuring me?"

He was chuckling a bit.

"Did I make the king of sexual lyrics blush a bit?"

"No now...I'm just giggling because I know you speak the truth."

After breakfast, I got into my bikini, cover up and was ready to head down to the beach. Prince was ready too.

"I've got the suntan lotion, waters, Zelda packed us a lunch and the umbrellas are waiting on us. Let's go!"

Once we were settled in, I grasped hos hand and said, "This is so nice."

"Yes it is." He kept his eyes closed and continued to bask in the sun.



"You know when we started with Sevyn we said we were just gonna have help for six months and we've kind of arrived at that magical number."

His hand took mine to his lips and he kissed it. "You know I think Sevyn is gonna tell us she's pregnant on this trip." He volunteered.

"I agree. I'm so happy for them. I'm thinking she's gonna need to concentrate on her pregnancy and Michael."

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