Chapter 11 - Fruit of the Loom? What?

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Isabella's POV 

The foundation has an early morning board meeting and anything that could go wrong, has gone wrong. I used conditioner on my hair first instead of shampoo, snagged my favorite dress on my vanity drawer and sneezed right after I put my mascara on giving me a horrid case of raccoon eyes. If this is a sign of the rest of my day, I should just hide under our bed and wait for tomorrow to arrive.

Entering the kitchen I met Sevyn who was making coffee, wearing surgical gloves. Whaaaa??? I have to admit, while this woman is zen with the kids there are some quirks that I haven't quite figured out yet. For example, she is constantly wearing gloves and wiping down counters and I never see her eat and she won't get in the pool??!!

"Good morning Syven, thanks so much for coming in early and look at you making the coffee already." Sevyn replied, "Absolutely, happy to do it. I'm nothing without my morning Joe. Is everyone still sleeping?" I replied, "Yes, Prince is getting ready for the day, but the kids are all still asleep. I should let you know that I pumped this morning, so there are bottles of breast milk in the refrigerator for each of the girls. You'll just have to place them in some warm water to warm up the bottles and then there's more milk in the freezer." Sevyn replied, "That's perfect. Do you have a busy day besides the board meeting?" I replied, "The meeting will last most of the morning and then I will stop by Rita's to decide on dresses for the AMAs. Prince will be joining me, so you'll be on your own with all four kids until the end of the day." She nodded while sipping her coffee and gave me the ok finger sign.

There was a long awkward pause in our conversation. I could tell that she wanted to talk about something, but was hedging. Prince came in the kitchen, growling as he kissed my neck, "Good morning gorgeous. Oh hi Sevyn how are you this morning? Say, Isa and I watched Think Like a Man the other night, that was a funny movie. Michael was great in that, we really enjoyed it." Seven replied, "Thanks, he really liked the cast in that movie. They were a lot of fun." Prince gave me a peck on the cheek and said, "I'll be in the studio, come get me when you're ready to leave."

There was that pregnant pause again between Syven and I and then finally she broke the ice. "Isabella...can I ask you kind of a personal question?" What I've come to realize is that whenever someone asks that question, it's never a good thing. It's usually something you really don't want to know or be asked, but here it goes. "Sure Sevyn." I replied while making us some eggs.

Sevyn poured some more cream into her coffee, stirred and threw the gauntlet down. "Please know that I'm very uncomfortable asking you this, but you and Prince seem to have it all together.'s not any secret, especially after those photographs were released, that you and Prince are well...very active in the bedroom." My eyes glazed over as I continued to move the scrambled eggs around in the skillet. She continued, "I'm just wondering if you'd be willing to give me some tips on how to reignite the bedroom flames if you know what I mean. Things have just know...a little stale for Michael and me. We need a little spark to the familiar so to speak."

"You know Sevyn it could be as simple as purchasing some new lingerie or perhaps being romantic in a different location. Sevyn replied, "By a different location, do you mean having sex on the piano, in the pool or on the kitchen table?" I turned beet red. While chuckling Sevyn continued, "Isabella I can tell even with your back to me you're blushing." Prince came moseying back in to refill his coffee, "Why is my Isabella blushing?" Sevyn was as bold as can be, "I was just asking Isabella for some romance tips...the shizzle has fizzled a bit with Michael and me."

Prince had an expressionless look on his face and then sat down at the kitchen table. He took a notebook sitting on the table and in all caps wrote IN, 5 cents and said, "Consider me Lucy from Peanuts, the doctor is in. What's  going on! You two are both attractive people, what's the problem?"

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