Chapter 12 -Exhausted and Neglected

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Prince's POV

Chapter 11 left off with...

Isa went into her board meeting while I made my self at home in her short timing it office. Mumbling to myself, I can't wait for her to be out of here. My cell rang it was Thomas, "Prince here. Uh huh...yeah...she's with who? What the fu..."

Telephone conversation between Prince and Thomas

Prince: Thomas in the day and age of cell phones why did you just stop by the house? I'm not there, I'm at the foundation office with Isabella. Now calm down, start over and tell me what's going on.

Thomas: I stopped by and Michael is here helping to care for the kids while trying to calm down Sevyn. She's crying up a storm. All I can gather, in between Sevyn's whimpers, is something about how she needs to stop Fruit of the Looming it? What does that mean? Does she have too much fruit in her diet? The other thing I didn't quite understand...something about Prince needing more Bartles & Jaymes in the house? I don't know. I had no idea that you were into wine coolers.

Prince: [stressed with his hands on his forehead and then running through his hair] As I live and breathe. [yelling] OF COURSE I DON'T DRINK BARTLES & JAYMES! DO THEY EVEN MAKE THAT SHIT ANYMORE?

Thomas: I don't know if they do let me Google it.

Prince: That was a rhetorical question. THOMAS? THOMAS? THOMAS ARE YOU THERE?

Thomas: [You can hear Thomas in a distance because he's Googling on his phone and didn't put the speakerphone on] Huh...did you know that James is spelled Jaymes? Learn something new everyday.

Prince: THOMAS COME BACK TO THE DAMN PHONE AND STOP SEARCHING THE INTERNET FOR POPULAR 80s WINE COOLERS! [Prince leans back on the desk chair and it tips over throwing him to the floor] SHIT!

Isabella: [pops her head in the office] Prince, what the hell is going on? Prince? Prince? Where are you? [Prince gets up off the floor] Quit goofing around. What are you doing hiding?

Prince: I wasn't hiding honey, the chair tipped over and I fell.

Isabella: I can hear you all the way in the board room, you're disturbing us.

Prince: [rolling his eyes apologetically] Oh honey...I'm really sorry. I'm just talking to Thomas. I promise I'll be more quiet.

Isabella goes back to the board room.

Prince: [whisper yelling] Thomas!

Thomas: Huh...who knew... Bartles and Jaymes are still in business. Oh and they've come out with two new flavors there's a tasty Mojito and a yummy Sangria. Oh I just love me a mojito at a Saturday or Sunday brunch, there's just nothing like...

Prince: Oh my god Thomas will you let the B & J go for now. I'm losing my mind! I'm a busy man you know. Look...all I tried to do was help Sevyn, this poor poor woman, and now she's on the brink of a nervous breakdown? Do you have any idea how upset Isabella is going to be at me for making Sevyn this emotional. Surely I will be in the doghouse.

Michael yells in the background to Thomas, "Is that Prince? Give me the damn phone!"


Prince: [speaking even-tempered but judgmental] Now Michael...I know you ain't saying 'damn' and 'hell' in front of my kids. 

Michael: Don't change the subject. I just stepped outside. I'm sorry...I'll apologize to the boys when I go back in.

Prince: Uh anyone watching my kids right now? I mean...I realize the boys are kinda self sufficient...but the girls need constant care. Do I need to come home Michael? Is Sevyn functional or a basket-case? I just tried to help Sevyn this morning, she asked you know...for help. I can't ignore a woman that is in need.

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