Love and Fall (Bobby)

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"Are you coming with us or not?" It was Friday and your friends wanted to unwind after a hectic day. It was the only treat you'll get after surviving a whole hell week at school. You loved the idea of having fun tonight but you schedule won't allow you otherwise.

"Sorry, I had a new part time job." You hesitantly responded. You didn't want to be that friend who destroys the mood but you can't help it. It's your first day on your new job and you can't ruin it for Friday night hangout.

"Oh," You can see clear disappointment in Jisoo's face but she knows well that your job is your second priority next to school. It's understandable. "How about you, Bobby?"

"Nah, because she got a new part time job."

"Hey!" That excuse is only valid for you. Jisoo rolled her eyes and you nudged Bobby's side.

"Ouch," He playfully winced.

"You're not even a couple but look at you." Jennie rolled her eyes as well on both of you as she whispered.

"Just date already, oh my god!" Lisa also couldn't help but say it.

"Hyung, I told you not to be so obvious!" Chanwoo purposely shouted for everyone to hear but Bobby didn't find it awkward at all.

"Whatever! See you guys Monday!" Jisoo pulled the girls and the guys tagged along as you waved them goodbye and watched them disappear from your sight. You and Bobby started walking the opposite way as well.

"You should've come with them. They'll be having fun." It was solely his decision to refuse the night out but you couldn't help but feel guilty about it. You think he's using you as an excuse and it didn't really feel right but it was okay. Atleast you can walk with him.

"I'll probably just exhaust myself there. I prefer to go home." He rubbed the back of his head and you're not quite sure if he meant the latter or he was just being lazy for once because he's definitely a party goer. "Anyway, you said you have a new job?"

"Yeah, cashier at a gas station. I took the job because it's along my way. Less hassle."

"But you have two other part time jobs. Are you sure you're fine with that?"

"I have no choice. I'm not a full scholar." It's not fine, of course. The time that you're supposed to spend with your friends or even the time that you're supposed to be spending at rest is all eaten by your jobs. There's no free time at all but you're not in the place to complain about it and even if there's a hint of weakness in your voice you still try to keep it. You don't want Bobby to notice how struggling you are because he's an emotion magnet. He absorbs the energy of the people around him and you don't want him to feel sad just because you are.

Bobby admires you a lot. Ever since he met you, he looked up to all the hard work you are doing for your studies. You were so matured about everything and it guilted him a lot that he wasn't as serious in his studies as you are when everything is just handed to him unlike you who has to work so hard just to continue studying. The things you do that are normal for you and you in general serves as his inspiration and motivation in his every day life.

You also thank Bobby for merely existing. His presence makes your life so much lighter. He's someone who makes you feel appreciated and cared for. Even though you are far from your family, you seldom feel the loneliness because Bobby warms your heart with the simple things he does and the good words he says.

You are both important to each other in a special way and anyone around you could say but you stay away from the talk of status. It was nice that you know your relationship is somewhat between friends and lovers staying unlabeled can really be confusing. But you never brought it up because you have no idea if Bobby feels the same or you're just being so ahead of yourself so you just remind yourself that he's only a close and clingy guy friend until he says otherwise.

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